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i just think

over 7 years

We need a break from all the hidden ranking threads. I don't know what this thread is going to be but enjoy it while it lasts.

HardCarry's favorite color
calculator grey
light yellow
about 7 years
do u liek mi?
about 7 years

HighSpace says

both @ Tucker

Watching - I wish, I should've taken the opportunity of cable television while I had the chance

Playing - Yeah but I'm glad I started playing when I did. I wasn't a great typist at 15.
about 7 years
both @ Tucker
about 7 years

jack says

do you think there is a skill to playing survivor and how much have it have you achieved, percentage-wise

Maybe, but I think it's more comparable to a sport like baseball, like there's a lot of stuff concentrated into survivor skill. Like for baseball, there's hitting, playing your position, maintaining stamina, etc and for survivor I guess there would be more factors that play into it. I'd say I've maybe achieved 70% of the skill of playing survivor? I don't think I'm bad but I have a lot to improve!!
about 7 years

ZodiacBeast says

do u liek mi?

i did until i realized you were furry trash
about 7 years
do you think there is a skill to playing survivor and how much have it have you achieved, percentage-wise
about 7 years
do u liek mi?
about 7 years

HighSpace says

Would you recommend survivor to your 15 year old self?

Playing it or watching it?
about 7 years
Would you recommend survivor to your 15 year old self?
about 7 years

eat says

Do u still think im a burger

about 7 years

sammy says

Voice says

sammy says

Voice says

sammy says

Voice says

sammy negged this thread because he's mad that he's a minor

why did you lie?

i didn't lie

you lie

i think ur mad that ur a minor and i think u took out ur minor hate on my wholesome thread

why are u such a disgusting little blister

about 7 years

tillie says

what vegetables would everyone who voted khaki on the poll b

SamE - zucchini

Otherscott - green bean

arisuu - cauliflower

Bob01 - okra

Savirino98 - eggplant

tillie - carrot
deletedabout 7 years
Do u still think im a burger
deletedabout 7 years

Voice says

sammy says

Voice says

sammy says

Voice says

sammy negged this thread because he's mad that he's a minor

why did you lie?

i didn't lie

you lie

i think ur mad that ur a minor and i think u took out ur minor hate on my wholesome thread

why are u such a disgusting little blister
about 7 years
i f*ck dogs
about 7 years
what vegetables would everyone who voted khaki on the poll b
about 7 years

PeanutMarmaduke says


yeah ud be more into kid threads wouldn't you xD
about 7 years
about 7 years

sammy says

Voice says

sammy says

Voice says

sammy negged this thread because he's mad that he's a minor

why did you lie?

i didn't lie

you lie

i think ur mad that ur a minor and i think u took out ur minor hate on my wholesome thread
deletedabout 7 years

Voice says

sammy says

Voice says

sammy negged this thread because he's mad that he's a minor

why did you lie?

i didn't lie

you lie
about 7 years

Snow says

Voice says

I am converting this to an AMA

r u gay

about 7 years

sammy says

Voice says

sammy negged this thread because he's mad that he's a minor

why did you lie?

i didn't lie
about 7 years

Voice says

I am converting this to an AMA

r u gay
deletedabout 7 years

Voice says

sammy negged this thread because he's mad that he's a minor

why did you lie?
about 7 years
I am converting this to an AMA