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Opinion + Song

deletedover 7 years

I was bored and i never did this before, so let's give it a shot

over 7 years
over 7 years
hi friend
over 7 years
over 7 years
diss me
deletedover 7 years

Chanman123 says


We met when you were still a noob, I can't say we talk much if at all, so i don't really have an opinion of you other than you look like a genuine and nice guy, always calm and utr(in games and not). From the few games we've played together (ages ago) your gameplay lacks a bit of flexibility when things don't go as you planned them to be.

deletedover 7 years

PotatoPlayer says


Saltiest player ever :3
I thought you were a loud childish guy at first, i then learned that you're more mature than your age suggests and you established yourself very well in the community.Also you gave me a good laugh when some people actually believed i had left cause you had beaten me in vivor lol.
You're pretty smart and that reflects in a good strategical gameplay that can bring you far in small games, while you still struggle with bigger games with more threats.

over 7 years
deletedover 7 years

sammy says


I've started seeing you around vivor lobby quite recently, and mostly in games chat in the morning.You made quite few friends and got ''acknowledged'' by the lobby quite quickly, and that says a lot abuot your friendly and open character.I can't really form an opinion on you cause i've seen you being a fun and friendly guy at times, a downer, an attention seeker,other times.You come off as a moody person to me, but overall i can't say i dislike chatting with you, and i see you as a positive influence on the lobby.

deletedover 7 years
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jbomber732 says


Even if you've been in the lobby for quite sometime, i can't say i knew you at all till few weeks ago.Sadly i now learned that you are a troll, but of the good kind! You're a funny guy, a bit of an attention seeker at times, but really nice to talk to.When you're not being hyperactive, you sound more mature than your age (i told you i thought you were older at first).
Can't judge your gameplay a whole lot, from what i've seen you're way to much over the radar.

over 7 years
oh hey
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
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Dari says


When you first came to the vivor lobby you were nice to talk to and made a lot to help its growth, by hosting daily, with forum threads, games schedule and all. I really appreciate all of that. Last few times i talked to you, you were a troll and an annoying one at that. So yeah, my opinion of you dropped drastically.
Gameplay wise you're a decent player, but don't have the skills to go far without goating (that's the impression i got from few games we played together ages ago tho)

Song :
over 7 years
omg me
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tillie says


I'll be honest, the first few games we played together i thought you were being all nice just to get allies, but after talking to you outside of games, you're genuinly one of the sweetest people i've ever met on em.I'm really glad you became a part of this lobby and i think you have a great positive impact on it.Plus you love dogs and that always puts you in a good spot with me ^^.
Wish we talked more!

Song :

over 7 years
over 7 years
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over 7 years
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over 7 years
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tealeaf says


Yuo're my life, i love you <3

deletedover 7 years

JohnBatman says


One of the cockiest guys in the whole lobby, but (at least gameplay wise) rightful so.You quickly turned from someone i considered mediocre to one of the best players in the lobby with an all around skill-set.
Personality wise,a smart guy, you're cool to talk to, usually have well thought opinions.You're stubborn but that's not always a bad thing and you're really caring for your friends.

song (gameplay related):
deletedover 7 years

ShiroWhite says


The meme himself. You're a funny guy and as much as i hate to admit it i had fun playing your trollvivors. Sometimes you act childish, which is understandable, but overall you're cool.

song (meme related):