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Colester AMA!

about 7 years

So I have seen a lot of other people do this so I guess since I am getting more well known I will do it! So ask me anything!

about 7 years
Do not diss the french language
about 7 years

colester112 says

I would want to be fluent in french!

Ew. Why? :doge:
about 7 years
I would want to be fluent in french!
about 7 years
uh I just got into survivor like 2 years ago so I am not really sure which seasons I like and don't like
about 7 years
I honestly just randomly stumbled on this website and decided to try the survivor lobby just for fun! I decided to stay because the games were just so much fun!
about 7 years
Favorite is Cirie because she is a great strategist and will lie to people, but she has a heart also while playing.
about 7 years
My vision is probably a safer world for everyone living in it.
about 7 years
If you could be fluent in any language, which would you pick?
about 7 years
Favorite/least favorite survivor season?
about 7 years
What brought you to the survivor lobby, and what made you stay?
about 7 years
fav survivor player and why
about 7 years
What's your vision?
about 7 years
1. I believe we need to get over the social stigma concerning mental illness honestly.

2. I go out of my way to be nice to my friends. Any friend I make I will always try to be nice to you!

3. I want to try ghost peppers. I am such a baby when it comes to spicy foods, but I still want to try them!

4. Probably my teacher that repeatedly told me to jump off a cliff anytime I messed up (BTW I love her so she's not actually being mean XD)
about 7 years
I would travel to Italy for sure!
about 7 years
What social stigma does society need to get over?

Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?

Who was your craziest / most interesting teacher
about 7 years
If you could travel to any location in the world, where would you go?
about 7 years
My fav is def alternative or Indie music and my fav artist is probably Florence and The Machine
about 7 years
is my fam the best fam
about 7 years
What's your favorite genre of music and fave artist/song