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AMA / Opinion Exch.

about 7 years

Keep it cute - don't be rude!


Fav Survivor Lobby Legend.
about 7 years

Do you really hate me and find me petty

Opinion :

Yeah I dont know what to say you probs expected
me to write a salt thread but nah! Here's the fun part. I dont hate you or anything and I think you're a great person! We just think diffrently thats all :)
about 7 years
How do i start. When i first saw you I made an alt called "kandy2." I got banned from your report. Overall you're pretty nice and we talk on skype, yeah. I don't know what else to say.
about 7 years

bryce1997 says

Hi when I met you I thought your avi was cute and you seemed iconic!! And then you were! Your britney gifs are always on point and youre really fun person whos super funny and always real! I think youre also very sweet!!

I have to admit rn that it's taken a lot for me not to drag you over your obsession for Carly Rae Jepsen, and over your decision to take Tucker to the end in EMVV. BUT I don't because I think you're an angel and arguably one of the best 'new' players that we've had. I see all of those trophies, sweetie!

It's v strange how we always seemed to end up on opposite sides in the very few games that we played together, and it's sad bc we agree on a lot of things + would make a cute little duo. :') You're loved by everyone (as am I!) and you remind me so much of Chris at times - it's a compliment bc he's one of my favs. ♡
about 7 years

sammy says

hii ok when we first met I got a huge feeling that you disliked me and I cried forever. we occasionally talked in chatrooms though. you were nice to me in those and I began to warm up to you and think that you actually didn't dislike me and I was just being paranoid as ever.

I think you're an awesome person and I enjoy talking to you! I think you're a gr8 pal and you're good to have a bit of cheeky banter with. I've never seen you play tho but everyone says ur a legend so I'm sure you are!! kandy slay

I'm almost certain that nobody on this site has had a positive first impression of me, and I make no apologies for it. I'm v guarded and cold until I feel comfortable w/ someone, and you have no idea how much I appreciate the people who make the first move in getting to know me. FTR - I never disliked you!

I will say that I'm not overly fond of some of the people that you associate yourself with, but that doesn't change how I feel abt you bc you've shown me nothing but ♡ since I met you. I think that you're someone who became very well known in the Survivor Lobby rather quickly, and it's largely due to your unique sense of humor. I would like to see you take part in BB/Survivor games though bc I have a feeling that your social game would be v strong, and that's what I'm all for. :')
about 7 years

HardCarry says

This thread is not petty enough.

I'm sure you can contribute, darling.

Pettiness. ✓
Gameplay. ✖

Stick to what you're good at. #TeamPetty.
about 7 years

Jun says

Aesthetics. ✓
B*tchiness. ✓
Pettiness. ✓

You already know much ily. ♡
about 7 years

itxLuca says

My like fourth game in the lobby I worked rather close with you in Natt's and HC's BvBvB... I had no idea who you were and you played me like a fiddle. After that, I was lowkey really intimidated by you but I didn't play another game with you until Anth's BB, which you did kinda play me again but I wasn't a complete idiot this time and wound up winning somehow. I haven't talked to you too much outside of games but I know you're extremely sweet and everyone loves you... I hope you play in one of my games soon! I'd love to see how many f2s you make..

I remember Anthony's BB rather well - you made the right choice at F3 and I'm proud of you for doing so, and that game was one of my main reasons for drafting you in EMVV2. I can't imagine just how stressful EMBB/EMVV games are don't be too hard on yourself over how you placed.

I've been trying to change my ways and to not F2 so many people, but I can't help it that these people have the tendency to throw so many deals @ me. (angel) You're a sweetheart and a v impressive host from what I've heard - maybe I'll end up in one of your games! xo.
about 7 years

HighSpace says

No one can make me feel guilt like you do.

Kandy will never make me feel guilty about backdooring her in all-stars twice :3
about 7 years
Our relationship flips like a coin either we like each other one moment or we're awkward around each other the next and it mostly depends on games I find you quite funny even though I don't know much about your real life you seem to have your priorities set you were the person I looked up to in social game style hell I even got called your alt the little time we spend together I do enjoy even if we do have our moments.
about 7 years
I don't know if I ever told you this, but when I first joined the community, I actually didn't like you. Everything about you felt superficial, and I wanted nothing to do with it. I wasn't able to understand what made you so popular in the community and why people wanted to stick around you.

We then started to genuinely work together in games. There was a period between "twinning" and "kandyland" where we would be the unstoppable duo, and I really enjoyed it. We were able to play our own separate games while still having each other's backs and always make it to the end together - It's the best kind of ally someone could ask for. There's a few times I betrayed our sacred f2 deal, and you do a pretty damn good job at making me feel bad about it. No one can make me feel guilt like you do.

Throughout the years, I've grown to really like you. You're well-thought out and you're good at understanding someone else's point of view. Your sarcasm and lack of filter always makes your posts fun to read - I look forward to reading a kandy post everytime I am aware of one. Also, although it may not show in games, I see you as a loyal person that sticks up for people, and also lets people know when they're in the wrong. It's the best kind of friend anyone could ask for.
about 7 years
i mean where do i begin? game kandy is one of the most ferociously talented people i've ever seen and genuinely scared the shít out of me when i was first beginning to play. you were a ton of fun to play with back in the day (of course, not anymore since we both have lives, right?). outside of the game you are ridiculously charming and incredibly sweet, yet also brutally honest in a remarkably endearing way. through the various happenings in this lobby your commentary has always been a bright spot and you're always good for a fun conversation. most importantly, you taught me how important good eyebrows were. one of the greats and an absolute gem. love ya
about 7 years

HighSpace says

What's your vision?


Hey, long time no see! How have you been? I know I haven't been as active here as I used to be but you're one of the people I miss the most. I've had my ups and downs, but it all just kind of washes away when I think about good people. And you're one of those people. I'd love to hang out sometime, so feel free to hmu on Skype and we can connect some more. :)
about 7 years

HighSpace says

What's your vision?


Favorite kind of kandy because I'm basic?
about 7 years
What's your vision?
about 7 years
Hi when I met you I thought your avi was cute and you seemed iconic!! And then you were! Your britney gifs are always on point and youre really fun person whos super funny and always real! I think youre also very sweet!!
deletedabout 7 years
hii ok when we first met I got a huge feeling that you disliked me and I cried forever. we occasionally talked in chatrooms though. you were nice to me in those and I began to warm up to you and think that you actually didn't dislike me and I was just being paranoid as ever.

I think you're an awesome person and I enjoy talking to you! I think you're a gr8 pal and you're good to have a bit of cheeky banter with. I've never seen you play tho but everyone says ur a legend so I'm sure you are!! kandy slay
deletedabout 7 years

kandy says

Anxiety says

can I see a pic of what you look like

Google Image Search: Britney Spears.

You're bald?

I'll pm you a sincere multiple paragraphed opinion in exchange for 1 pic of you. Both have to keep it to ourselves. My personal code doesn't allow me to be nice in public or people will start to get the wrong idea. It's like a more private version of AMA where people can't be nosy about my fucklng business.

about 7 years
This thread is not petty enough.
about 7 years
about 7 years

Anxiety says

can I see a pic of what you look like

Google Image Search: Britney Spears.
about 7 years

eatemuptigs says

Okay so when I first started here I heard about what a great player you are, and I couldn't wait to play a game with you to see you in action, and then when i finally got the chance I f'd up the opportunity to work with you by being a b!tch and leaking the F5 you made with me. After that, I couldn't wait until the next time I could see you play, and I finally got that opportunity when I hosted my third BB game, and while I couldn't see the whispers going on, I could still observe what an amazing player you are. Your social and strategic game is amazing, and outside the games, you are extremely kind yet savage at the same time when necessary.


First of all, that game was horrific and one of the reasons why I don't play often anymore. I don't hold any ill feelings towards you though, even if I was petty af whenever you found yourself in the GY w/ me. I found it adorable how you constantly apologized and and brought up how bad you felt about everything that happened in the Trophy Game though, and we obv moved past that. We managed to work so well together in a TWL later on, didn't we? :')

Everyone expected this to be some kind of 'roast' thread, but it's impossible whenever I have people such as yourself commenting on it. I think you're v cute and someone who I would talk to and work with v often if I played regularly. ♡
about 7 years

JohnBatman says

Great person, super cool and insightful to talk to, and you're a sweetheart. I enjoy talking with you whenever I see you on Skype or in chatrooms and that's something I can only say for a few people. Sassy, but in a great way. You also have an amazing eye for good profiles and aesthetics.

Amazing player, probably the best social game I've encountered by far. People in games are so close to you that they're willing to keep you even though you're sometimes one of the players who could beat them moving forward. It's a shame you don't play much.

Let me start with the negatives - I hate you for having perfect eyebrows, but I hate you even more for not knowing just how blessed you are to have them. Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to you in BB - always trust someone w/ a good eyebrow game.

You're one of the v few 'newbies' who stood out to me when I first met you just bc you reminded me a lot of myself. Yes, that's a compliment - I'm a fan of your social game even though it gets too messy sometimes for my liking. I'm also a fan of telling new people that you're HardCarry, and sending congratulatory messages to Robert on Skype whenever you win a BB or Survivor game. I'm petty af, but that's s/t we clearly have in common. :snake: tendencies aside, I think you're lovely and a joy to talk with on Skype and in chats. ♡
about 7 years
My like fourth game in the lobby I worked rather close with you in Natt's and HC's BvBvB... I had no idea who you were and you played me like a fiddle. After that, I was lowkey really intimidated by you but I didn't play another game with you until Anth's BB, which you did kinda play me again but I wasn't a complete idiot this time and wound up winning somehow. I haven't talked to you too much outside of games but I know you're extremely sweet and everyone loves you... I hope you play in one of my games soon! I'd love to see how many f2s you make..
deletedabout 7 years
can I see a pic of what you look like
deletedabout 7 years
Okay so when I first started here I heard about what a great player you are, and I couldn't wait to play a game with you to see you in action, and then when i finally got the chance I f'd up the opportunity to work with you by being a b!tch and leaking the F5 you made with me. After that, I couldn't wait until the next time I could see you play, and I finally got that opportunity when I hosted my third BB game, and while I couldn't see the whispers going on, I could still observe what an amazing player you are. Your social and strategic game is amazing, and outside the games, you are extremely kind yet savage at the same time when necessary.
