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Accost's Game Records

about 7 years



Big Brother

Season 1 (Kingdom Hearts BB - 18 Players): Doc -

  • Winner: Hayner (Zero)
  • Runner-Up: Vexen (freshman)

The Weakest Link

Season 1 (10 Players):

  • Winner: Knife
  • Runner-Up: withered

Season 2 (25 Players):

  • Winner: trihardcx
  • Runner-Up: bryce1997

The Divide

Season 1 (15 Players):

  • Winner: angkoror
  • Runner-Ups: freshman, KatyaWasRobbed

Season 2 - Redemption Island (20 Players): Doc -

  • Winner: YanmegaMan
  • Runner-Ups: Chanman123, KatyaWasRobbed
What game does Accost host best?
The Divide
Big Brother
The Weakest Link
about 7 years
Congratulations to trihardcx for beating bryce1997 11-4 in a Final 2 Challenge Medley! Here are the full results, with the challenges in which each player got eliminated! Thanks for playing, and thanks for no suicides!

1st: trihardcx (Challenge Medley - 11 Points)
2nd: bryce1997 (Challenge Medley - 4 Points)
3rd: cjn104 (Push Me)
4th: Knife (Deconstruction)
5th: KatyaWasRobbed (Alphabet)
6th: jbomber732 (Toss Up)
7th: FannyChmelar (Avatar Race)
8th: StarlyFlip (Assassin Tournament)
9th: Voidzz (Binary Paymaster)
10th: LHarney (Xelfer)
11th: Ginga (Links)
12th: arisuu (Hedger's Game)
13th: Chanman123 (Brazilian Shuffle)
14th: FFSierraDamnThomas (Rhyme Time)
15th: MegaRaptor789 (Reflex)
16th: KazamiYuuji (STAB!)
17th: Jpriced (Edges)
18th: tillie (Math Reflex)
19th: Elfen (Chutes)
20th: Taiu (GAW)
21st: 3danimasianimalcivet (Creepy Pasta)
22nd: HighSpace (Minority Rules)
23rd: Uglyduckling2929 (Quote Unquote)
24th: evolpz (Highest Untied Number)
25th: Kasama (Who's Still Standing?)
about 7 years
Dang man you sure are organized!
about 7 years
Congratulations to Hayner for defeating Vexen in a 6-3 jury vote in Big Brother: Kingdom Hearts Edition! It was a long and hard-fought game with a few trip ups throughout, but I enjoyed all of it! Thanks everyone for playing!

1st: Hayner (Zero) - 6 Jury Votes
2nd: Vexen (freshman) - 3 Jury Votes
3rd: Kairi (colester112) - Evicted 1-0
4th: Riku (teadrinker) - Evicted 1-0
5th: Goofy (Jpriced) - Evicted 2-1
6th: Xemnas (Picante) - Saltycide
7th: Sora (RamsesBB19) - Left Because Mother
8th: Demyx (trihardcx) - Evicted 3-2
9th: Donald (lemonhead28) - Evicted 4-2
10th: Saix (jgriff) - Evicted 5-2
11th: Pence (Broog) - Evicted 6-2
12th: Axel (BathSaltsMDPV) - Evicted 5-4
13th: Mickey (CJKelly) - Evicted 6-3
14th: Ansem (Survevorlove) - Evicted 6-5
15th: Lexaeus (tkeanah) - Vegetable
16th: Zexion (UnknownSoldier) - Evicted 10-3
17th: Larxene (ai2739) - Vegetable
18th: DiZ (DeathTheDude) - Suicide
about 7 years
Congratulations to YanmegaMan for beating Chanman123 and KatyaWasRobbed in a 4-2-1 jury vote in the Divide Season 2: Redemption Island! He also survived the entire duration of the second Redemption island, winning 6 challenges in a row to come back and finish the game! It was a long and hard game for everyone, so thanks to everyone who stuck with it and played the whole way through, despite it taking almost 8 hours!

1st: YanmegaMan (4 Jury Votes)
2nd: Chanman123 (2 Jury Votes)
3rd: KatyaWasRobbed (1 Jury Vote)
4th: bryce1997 (2-2 > 1-1 > Lost TB 5-3)
5th: Jupiterskyking (Suicide)
6th: hals (3-3 > 2-2 > Bad Rock)
7th: cjn104 (4-1-1)
8th: bboy29 (6-1)
9th: Jpriced (4-4 > 3-3 > Bad Rock)
10th: Knife (6-3-1)
11th: withered (8-2)
12th: MidNightAwaken (5-4-1-1)
13th: MegaRaptor789 (No-Show @ Remake)
14th: jgriff (9-1-1-1-1)
15th: Wasp (8-3-1-1-1)
16th: benfox2 (11-2-1-1)
17th: Skins (9-2-1-1-1-1-1-1)
18th: joejoejoe17 (Vegetable)
19th: xxxOLAFxxx (10-4-1-1-1-1)
20th: Uraziel1 (8-6-2-2-1-1)
about 7 years
Congrats to Knife for beating withered 3-1 in TWL! The end was rushed but oh well.