over 7 years


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Epic Nations is a game where you control a nation and interact with nations controlled by other players.You can perform virtually any viable action by just stating it publicly here in this topic or PMing it privately to me.

Each nation can perform up to 3 actions per 24 hours, and those actions can be just about anything (attacking others, sharing resources, constructing buildings, etc). At the end of each 24 hour period I will post a summary of what occurred and reveal the results of relevant actions.

Nations can communicate with each other both in this thread and over PM, although if you do communicate over PM you must include me in all messages you send.

Overall wealth is the only thing I officially keep track of. However, individual resources are still important and will be considered when you perform certain actions.

Keep in mind you can keep your actions private if you wish by PMing me.

There are barbarian encampments scattered throughout the lands, containing primitive people with no internal government who occasionally attack nearby nations. Encampments are located in every civilization's land and can only be removed through several attacks with an army.

Resource Map:

Map of nations:

Map of temperature:

Common Actions:

  • Build an army
  • Research a technology
  • Build a building (library, theater, factory)
  • Repair damages
  • Trade resources
  • Move all or part of your army
  • Form/spread a religion
  • Spy on another nation
  • Search for spies in your government
  • Assassinate a leader
  • Expand farming or mines (to boost economy)
  • Hold a public event for nations
  • Attend a public event a nation is hosting
  • Attack players
  • Attack barbarians
  • Create tax on exports
  • Send currency
  • Share research knowledge
  • Perform archaeological expedition

Common Diplomatic Moves (do not cost actions):

  • Form alliance
  • Declare war
  • Denounce
  • Create embargo

Past Days

over 7 years

The says

You need to research sailing first.

Sounds good, fixing up my decree right now.
over 7 years
You need to research sailing first.
over 7 years

The says

Shwartz going across deep waters with shoreline fishing boats is not advised.

Hm true true I guess I'll build larger vessels instead
over 7 years
Shwartz going across deep waters with shoreline fishing boats is not advised.
over 7 years
                      Decree of Shwartzburg
The Mighty and Omnipotent Shwartz99, Father of EpicMafia and Master of the Four Lobbies has issued this decree in response to the recent events concerning the disease, trade, and barbarianism.

Article I. Priorities

   a. King Shwartz99 has deemed creation of a bank to provide loans for every nation a necessary course of action to secure our goal of international prosperity.

   b. King Shwartz99 advises all nations to take action against the barbarians.

   c. King Shwartz99 has prioritized trade with nations by seas. Expanding trade through Shwartzport, available to all allies, shall be the easiest way to go about this.

      1. King Shwartz99 has devised a plan to create a road from the Bogdanian Federation to Shwartzport to allow use of the port by our allies.

      2. King Shwartz99 has devised a plan to create a road from Dougland to Shwartzport to allow use of the port by our allies.

      3. King Shwartz99 has devised a plan to create a road from Shwartzville to Shwartzport to Shwartztown to Shwartzport to allow use of the port by our major towns.


   d. King Shwartz99 will order his council to work on a cure for the Dougland disease.

   e. King Shwartz99 will continue his plans of shipping vegetable seeds to Cogemelandia.

Article II. Actions

   a. The technology of sailing will be learned.

   b. War will continue against barbarians.

   c. A road from the diamond mines to the Bogdanian Federation will be created to provide them with diamonds.

      1. Although the mines are owned by the SDDC, federal money will be provided to create the road.
over 7 years
Also I should point out that technically no nations could have attended Merlot's event since no one has researched boat making yet.
deletedover 7 years
All my residents just been living the vegan life we don't murder ppl just look at my resources: wheat and carrots
deletedover 7 years
Whoever is plotting against me is a huge bully tbh im the poorest unthreatening nation there is
deletedover 7 years
Iconic festival by Merlot.

Miguel you should send spies to the people you FOS and find out who is the bad guy.

Hey Arisuu teach me about those fire weapons babe
over 7 years
End of Day 2


World Events

* A contagious disease broke out in Dougland and may soon spread to those nearby. Nations can help contribute to finding a cure to reduce deaths by performing medical research.
* Rumors have spread that a nation is plotting against AUSTISM.
* The United Province of Cats unearthed the ruins of an ancient civilization and found instructions on how to make weapons with fire.


Player Events

* AUTISM confirmed a trade deal with the Republic of Yachi, exchanging carrots for wood.
* AUTISM also founded a new religion, shichifukujin.
* AUTISM also discovered how to build with wood in its quest to invent carriages.
* The Commonwealth of Merlot held a public event to showcase its religion, but no nations attended.
* The Commonwealth of Merlot created a trading post and now receives extra resources on every trade.
* The United Province of Cats is now taxing all of their exports. Trading with them will now cost currency.
* The United Province of Cats constructed its first army.
* The Kingdom of Shwartz created an army through mandatory enlistment, but the army is weakened by barbarian attacks.
* Angered, the Kingdom of Shwartz attacks the barbarians with its new army. It will take several more attacks to completely remove them from the kingdom, however.
* The Kingdom of Shwartz also further improved its diamond mines.
* Nigeria and Cogemelandia improved their armies.
* Cogemelandia also expanded its farms.
* Dougland and the Republic of Yachi were idle throughout the day


Barbarian Events

* Barbarians continued to attack the Kingdom of Shwartz, interfering with his army construction and looting his food storage. Fortunately there were enough livestock and vegetables produced that starvation was not an issue.
* Barbarians were also active over on the United Provice of Cats' island, looting their vegetables.
over 7 years

arisuu says

i form an army

i train my army

i create a tax on exports

This is really only two actions since forming/training your army are grouped together.
deletedover 7 years
i form an army

i train my army

i create a tax on exports
over 7 years
I train my newly founded army to be stronger
deletedover 7 years
I train my newly founded army to be stronger
over 7 years
1 hour 30 minutes until the day ends
over 7 years

The says

Shwartz99 says

Just wondering, is delivering 1/3 of the diamonds to the Bogdanian Federation a necessary action? Considering I can claim my own diamonds, the Bogdanians can just collect them from my mines as well.

I would say that in order to give Bebop access, it will take one action on your part to provide access and one action on Bebop's part to build infrastructure to obtain some diamonds from your mine.

Our agreement was that I would provide all the upgrades and infrastructure, so I will do that tomorrow.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this delay may cause to the Bogdanian Federation.
over 7 years

Shwartz99 says

Just wondering, is delivering 1/3 of the diamonds to the Bogdanian Federation a necessary action? Considering I can claim my own diamonds, the Bogdanians can just collect them from my mines as well.

I would say that in order to give Bebop access, it will take one action on your part to provide access and one action on Bebop's part to build infrastructure to obtain some diamonds from your mine.
over 7 years
Mines before upgrade

Mines after upgrade

over 7 years
Just wondering, is delivering 1/3 of the diamonds to the Bogdanian Federation a necessary action? Considering I can claim my own diamonds, the Bogdanians can just collect them from my mines as well.
over 7 years
                       Decree of Shwartzburg
The Mighty and Omnipotent Shwartz99, Father of EpicMafia and Master of the Four Lobbies has issued this decree in response to the recent barbarian attacks.

Article I. Priorities

   a. King Shwartz99 has deemed creation of a bank to provide loans for every nation a necessary course of action to secure our goal of international prosperity.

   b. King Shwartz99 finds it deplorable that barbarians threatened the rulers of all nations, and advises all nations to take action against these savages.

   c. King Shwartz99 has prioritized trade with nations by seas. Expanding trade through Shwartzport, available to all allies, shall be the easiest way to go about this. This will additionally achieve our goal of international prosperity.

      1. King Shwartz99 has devised a plan to create a road from the Bogdanian Federation to Shwartzport to allow use of the port by our allies.

      2. King Shwartz99 has devised a plan to create a road from Dougland to Shwartzport to allow use of the port by our allies.

      3. King Shwartz99 has devised a plan to create a road from Shwartzville to Shwartzport to Shwartztown to Shwartzport to allow use of the port by our major towns.


Article II. Actions

   a. All able men and women above the age of 15 must enlist in the army.

   b. War will be declared on barbarians and barbarian confederations within the K.S.

      1. Any suspected barbarians will be killed - they should expect no mercy.

   c. Diamond mines in Orfalon will be upgraded.

      1. Although the mines are owned by the SDDC, federal money will be provided to upgrade the mines.
over 7 years
So I've decided that I'm not going to continue to use the resource spreadsheet as it takes too much time to keep updated and makes potential trading overly complicated. Relative resource amounts and production rates will still be considered in and affected by relevant events, though, I just won't keep track of an exact number.

I'm also scaling the currency values down by 1000 since the smallest unit I was going to change them by was 1000 anyway.
deletedover 7 years
I expand my farms
over 7 years

Pinche says

Is there any way to expand my livestock and wood production?

Yes, expand your farms or expand your wood gathering.
deletedover 7 years
Dougland introduces a new child policy to further grow our horde's numbers. All women who are able to, must bear children. And once a child reaches the age of 10 they are conscripted into the army.
deletedover 7 years
AUTISM confirms trade with Republic of Yachi
AUTISM continues researching towards carriages