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Basic Town Tactics

about 7 years

This is a very basic guide on how to play as town. For many of you more experienced players this is likely to seem quite standard and nothing new, but I'm hoping this guide will at least help some of the newer players into becoming better as town.

  1. Never ever be scared to share your opinion on what you think is the best course of action and who you suspect but be prepared to back up your FoS's with your reasoning. Never be afraid because you don't know how to explain your read-just try anyway and you'll be surprised what you find. You will get better at it over time and come to have a better understanding of the effectiveness of your tells
  2. Don't lurk; even though lurking isn't a scum-tell it will aggravate a lot of players and if there is a mislynch the lurker is likely to get lynched during it.
  3. If there's whispers, use them, if you want to gain someones thoughts without everyone in the room getting in the way, whisper them and ask away.
  4. If you're ever 100% clear don't be afraid to reaction test people or lead on someone to test the bandwagon on it.
  5. Never vote when the timer has run out unless you're sure the person you're voting is mafia or you're voting with the rest of the town.
  6. As a power-role lurking to avoid the night-kill can make you quite obvious as a PR if there are decent players in the room, so attempt to play the same you would when you're blue.
  7. If you're CC'ed by mafia, don't just repeat 'I'm the real ___, he's mafia' attempt to go read earlier days and point out scum-tells your cc has left behind.
  8. Although people will constantly bring up the term WIFOM a lot, don't get too fooled by it, just evaluate the likelihood of both things happening and take your best educated guess of which is occurring.
  9. When you're blue, you're one of the most important roles in the game, make sure you're following everything that happens in the game as you will likely need to defend yourself or push on your FoS later in the game.
  10. If you notice someone is acting differently then what they normally do as town in previous games then don't be afraid to point that out, it may mean they're disguised or are mafia that game.
  11. If you think someone is disguised but are unsure of how to test them, checking their profile and asking them questions they would known to do with their location is a good idea, as well as just asking them about their avatar at times.
  12. Town reads are much stronger then mafia reads and are much easier to find. Instead of just looking for who you think is mafia, narrow the mafia down by eliminating people you think are town. However be careful eliminating good players for just acting pro-town as they're likely to act that way regardless of alignment.
  13. Looking at peoples reactions to deaths is a good way to narrow down suspects by gaining a few town-tells.

Some people will say that there is no such things as scum-tells while others will consider close to anything a scum-tell. Neither of these answers is correct, there are such things as basic scum-tells which you should look out for, though not all of these mean the person is 100% mafia, just more likely. A list of scum-tells that I believe are quite common are the following:

  • Bandwagoning early during the day without explaining your vote
  • FoS'ing someone and then not having any reasons behind it whatsoever.
  • Only speaking when your name is brought up or you're voted.
  • Being overly defensive when FoS'ed with a mislynch in hand (However this can also mean the person is a power-role)
  • Confusion
almost 7 years
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