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Elmo's Personal Thread & Ama!!!!

about 7 years

I love bandwagons so here we are tbh. Feel free to ask for anything (the sidebar thing, opinion, question etc etc)

deletedabout 7 years
gimme tabs
about 7 years
about 7 years
omg wrong thread
about 7 years
about 7 years
give me a name
about 7 years
opinion pls
about 7 years
different people
about 7 years
Is Lelmoo Rutab? Rofl
about 7 years
about 7 years

jack says

opinion and tabs!

Even tho we've known for about a year I don't know that much about you! Regardless, you are always super nice to me and always greet me in skype chats etc (lol it may sound corny but I really appreciate it!!!!!!)

I think u r underrated embb winner bc u obviously did what you had to do to get to the end receive majority of the votes so f the haters!!!!!

I hope we get to know e/o better bc I have a high opinion of u and u rock!!
about 7 years
ily too <3
about 7 years
opinion and tabs!
about 7 years
about 7 years
We've been friends for like 1.5 years now #shook? U r are one of my bffs but u knew that already tbh. U r pretty confident and not afraid to state your opinion which is cool but u can also be friendly to other ppl which is even cooler!!

We had this weird phase in games where we always targeted each other LMAO idek why but bc of that we always got like 9th-5th ashidahisd. After that you've won games and I've pretty much remained a flop tbh. You're pretty good in games but u don't play enough anymore!!!!

Ty for putting up with my no matter what. That's what makes u an awesome friend. Ily!!!!
about 7 years

Dari says

Voice says

the same thing everyone else wants

As I said I don't know u too well tbh. I think u are cool although somethings you have done have been pretty controversial but I believe that everyone does sometimes stupid stuff so u shouldn't get judged based off that!

and ya like I said we often gun for e/o in games idk why tbh. We just don't work together well in games? Honestly it would be nice to play again!!

All in all, I think u r nice and would like to chat up again with you :-)
about 7 years
opinion and tag as well pls ily <3
about 7 years

Voice says

the same thing everyone else wants

Okay!! I like u bc u kinda say things how they are. Sometimes ur humor is funny but sometimes its a little OTT!! (but honestly it's most of the time funny imo lmao) It's great to play with u bc u are super good. Altho my personal pet peeve is that you always say that you suck!!!!

Sometimes when I haven't felt too well you've asked me if everything is okay and thank you for doing that!! (one of the many reasons why u r a good friend & person) Tucker u r great :]
deletedabout 7 years

Voice says

the same thing everyone else wants

about 7 years

deandean says

opinion and tag because u care about me

DEAN! As I said on the sidebar, we became instantly buddies in embb and honestly that was one of the best things that happened to me in embb!!!! What I appreciate most about you is that you are really straightforward altho that arguably does land you in trouble sometimes!!!!

We've kinda slayed in some games but in some games nah (looking at u robbing us trophies SMH!) (jk I'm not actually salty about that I think it's funny ahdsifhi)

ANYWAYS, You're great and I'm VERY glad to call you a good friend. Thank you for everything Dean, ily :]
about 7 years
the same thing everyone else wants
about 7 years

bryce1997 says

opinion and side pls!! also hope youre having a great day

Like I said, you are very positive and I have a really high opinion of you. I think that everyone likes you in this lobby, u r so great! You were robbed in BAR :(

We've only played once.. (I think) so next time we play.. we should slay together!!! #Pregame (jkjk)

ALSO I HOPE U ARE HAVING A GREAT DAY TOO!!!!!!!! Hopefully we'll also get to know each other better :) and thanks for always being so nice to me <3
deletedabout 7 years
opinion and tag because u care about me
about 7 years

Chanman123 says

Opinion and tag thanks

As I said, I don't really know you well so this opinion is probably v concise. To me you come across as a kind and honest person. From our little interactions u r nice and innocent <3

I'm not sure if we've played in games apart from the one game... but I hope we can play again.. I promise I won't be salty...

about 7 years
opinion and side pls!! also hope youre having a great day
about 7 years
Opinion and tag thanks