although don't address that we never got to hang out this summer bcs i haven't got enough money to spare £9 to get into london and it genuinely makes me rly sad
edit: HOLD THE PHONE i just listened to richard's and you mentioned dan not me u n f r i e n d e d
I opened it for some reason, I guess I liked your romantic post above. I will keep posting, there's like ten people left on the forums, they're my diary now as far as I care.
I'll justify to myself by not doing things like mocking your banged a thai tranny thread or relentlessly bumping your three week late diss track thread.
She laughs at every terrible obscure ancient literature joke I tell , I think it might be love
deletedover 7 years
Well I took my ex back twice and I feel pretty over her, so there's hope for you yet. I'm starting to think new girl is "beautiful" in the way you've described.