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can we ban the r slur?

over 7 years

people keep calling me it in my asks and its really offensive and ableist.

deletedover 7 years
both the thread and the OP are r'etarded
deletedover 7 years
You may not be re`tarded but this thread definitely is.
over 7 years
i mean it's not just that. It's immediately just turning to ad hominem attacks to play the game. its not necessary to call me a lol after i suggest to lynch the person for shooting wrong
over 7 years
I ain't the one making a post complaining about being called a r3tard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
over 7 years
yall sound bitter.
over 7 years
Shut up r3tard. This is internet. Learn to take a hit.
over 7 years
if you wanna dance with the em crew you gotta be able to take being called a re'tard
over 7 years
You actually deserved it ! Considering you are one
over 7 years
it is fairly obvious all three from your asks are the same person, aha. But, they kinda tweaked how the r slurs work now, so one can hardly get a violation for saying those unless they say it repeatedly and it offends the offended.
over 7 years
shut up rétard

also wrong subforum
over 7 years

also this is another example of misogyny in gaming
over 7 years

this is example of misogyny in gaming. I did not deserved to be called these things, so I just ask nicely to not be rude to me