almost 7 years

comment for a TBH

almost 7 years

jbomber732 says


tbh u were a lil sh!t when u were younger but now you're a cool guy
almost 7 years

deandean says


TBH we've known each other for a long long long long time!! in the beginning of our friendship i was super white knight-y towards you and now i'm more like... idk i give u a lot of but bc i find it amusing!! ik u know i'm not serious though and i ALWAYS have your back. thank u for being a great friend over the years!!
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
queen cammy gracing us peasants with her time
almost 7 years
Me please !!!
almost 7 years

alexroberts says


TBH we don't talk much except for that one game when u were on hals account and i thought it was hals and i was really excited and then it was you and i was like omg shook. i'm glad i got to know u in that game even just a little bit bc we definitely vibed! every time i've played with u u have been a key or strong player in the game. i have seen u say that u bitter vote and u admit you're a bitter voter which makes me a lil nervous to play games w/ u bc if i'm not on your side i'd get bitter voted in jury. that aside, i think you are funny and i love your rpdr references!!
almost 7 years
almost 7 years

arisuu says


TBH u are one woke queen. i love playing civ with u bc u do the craziest things and it makes me laugh so hard. sometimes we disagree on things but that doesn't change my opinion of you and i hope it doesn't change your opinion of me! we aren't close but i think u are very very sweet and i hope we can become friends in the future.
almost 7 years

ImDory says


TBH i think u are an angel. you've been nothing but nice to me since i've met u and every time u message me i get so happy! thank u for being so sweet
almost 7 years

Dari says

This is a comment

TBH we just recently became close and I'M SO GLAD!! before we became buds i was kind of wary of you (u know u have a reputation) and you seemed to get angry at the drop of a hat. now that i know you, you are seriously one of the kindest people ever. i love talking to you and you make me laugh so f*cking hard even when you aren't trying to be funny. i love hanging w/ u and jp and i know we'll just become better friends as time goes on!! thank u for being a pal
almost 7 years

Bebop says

TBH i had a blast with u in embb and i have very fond memories of u from that game!! i wish you'd rag on survivor a lil bit less BUT when i do need your assistance with mod related things you're always there to help me and i truly do appreciate that. i like to poke fun @ u (sometimes i call u smelly) but i really do think u are a cool dude and wish u the best. i wish you'd play survivor more and HANG bc i enjoyed when u were around!!
almost 7 years

LineLiar says

Um ok

TBH i love that u aren't afraid to state your opinoin but u also aren't afraid to admit when u do something wrong. i've seen u come for ppl and then be like.. hmmm u know nevermind, and i really enjoy that personality trait. i wish you'd be a little more accepting of other peoples tastes (i.e. music and tv) and less judgmental. u make me laugh sososo much when we're f*cking around (THE EVIL IS DEFEATED) and we don't cross paths much but when we do i'm glad you're around !!
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

yes pls

tbh ELMO!!! i love u so very much!!! i love playing league with u (even though i don't play much) but when i do i love love LOVE to play with u bc i can be goofy and do stupid things and u don't mind and yell at me (side eyes @cosmo) i wish you'd join more of our discord nights and things like that bc you're really funny and i genuinely enjoy hanging out w/ u!!!
almost 7 years

FFSierraDamnThomas says

i think we've talked a bit, u've also annihilated me in a few games EM games before lmfaoooo

TBH i can't think of a time when i've been around u and it's been unpleasant!! i don't see you around too much but when i do i get the vibes that you're a very genuine person and i hope we can eventually be on the same side in a game lul
almost 7 years
tbh me
almost 7 years

loris says

only because i'm incredibly bored......... even tho we don't really talk :/

TBH i feel like u come for ppl a lot and it makes me :thinking: but that aside i think you're really interesting and have a unique sense of humor and i respect that you'll say what u want when u want to!
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
mmm coffee
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years