almost 7 years

my old thread got deleted i guess

i missed about like 50 people's questions/opinion requests

ask me anything or ask for anything

but i'll probably flake

matt or soda17?
almost 7 years
opinion please
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
i want an opinion!!
almost 7 years

xPooky says

do you think pranay f***** all the people he said he f*****?


just their mothers
almost 7 years
do you think pranay f***** all the people he said he f*****?
almost 7 years

Ash0wns says

same (lol I'm gunning for an opinion where you call me a stalker)

You're fun to play mafia with. You're chill to talk to. I think you're a nice guy. I don't think I've actually gotten into a feud with you even though we were "rivals" for you know what. It's good to see you again since you've been gone for a while!
almost 7 years
same (lol I'm gunning for an opinion where you call me a stalker)
almost 7 years

bboy29 says

idt we have ever played a game together, but you sorta know me. Opinion please!!!

I think you're fairly nice. I admire that you like to get involved with the lobby. I don't know if I've played a game with you or not. I'm thinking no. But I've seen you do well in games on lobby posts so you're obviously a decent player!
almost 7 years
thank you matthew, i've told you before and i'll tell you again, i'm lucky to have met you!!! <3
deletedalmost 7 years
idt we have ever played a game together, but you sorta know me. Opinion please!!!
almost 7 years
You've always offered to help me in the little projects I've done in this lobby, most notably EM Olympics. Your help with the spreadsheets was much needed and holding that event was made tons easier due to you. And it's not just me that you've helped, but you've helped this entire community by offering to be a mod and helping out in several lobby projects. You're a really nice woman and I love that a lot about you. You're also damn good at this game and I don't care if you disbelieve me. You have two trophies and you were introduced to this lobby just over a year ago. Yeah we have been kinda distant at times due to your heavy work load and me pursuing online relationships. But you'll always be extremely special to me.Thanks for everything, Natalie!
almost 7 years

nattless says

i'll take an opinion as well before you flake pls

Okay well where to start. I've told you this several times but I'm just gonna say it again. One night the both of us were online and you had just joined the lobby for the first time or you were very early in your career here. We played a few Survivor games, and with the way we interacted with each other, I knew there was something absolutely special about you and that I knew I'd need to keep you absolutely close to me as you'd change my life. And by golly you did for sure. For the entirety of last summer, every single night I spent talking to you. Conveying all my problems to you. Seeking for help. Using you as a shoulder to cry on. You were there for me and you heard me out. And that meant the world to me, We also played mafia games every single night and those were some of the funnest games ever. You're really fun to play mafia with, I enjoy it a lot and when you pop online to play a few mafia games, I treasure them a lot because of how much fun they are. We were also "auto F2" with each other in Vivor for the longest of time. We'd never write each others' name down and we'd always vote others out if it benefited each other. It got to the point where we ended up getting meta-targeted every single game we played. And honestly I'm okay with it because I absolutely loved having you as an ally. You took good care of me in the game just like you took good care of me in real life. When situations at my old job got rough, I talked to you about them. You offered suggestions, and believe it or not, I actually used a few of them to get to where I am now.
almost 7 years
brb taking up an entire page for natt's opinion
almost 7 years

alexroberts says

tillie says

ooh can i have an opinion

me three

I always joke about you being a flop because you make a meme out of being bad in challenges and I find it kinda funny. As a person you're not a flop though. You're very well liked in this lobby and for a very good reason. You're a very sweet guy. I respect you a lot. I liked allying you a lot in that one game where we were with Knife. We thought we had it in the bag but apparently that wasn't the case. But still it was a big game and we stuck together a long time. Regardless you're a really nice dude and you're a shining light for this lobby!
almost 7 years
i'll take an opinion as well before you flake pls
almost 7 years

tillie says

ooh can i have an opinion

I'll get the negative things out of the way quickly so I can focus on the positives. I disapprove a lot about you cheating in EMBBAS. It's disrespectful to the hosts and the players in the game. I also disapprove of you cheating in main lobby and bypassing. I really like playing mafia with you but I hate having to play with you under the guise of someone else. I really want you to stick through your ban so you can play legitimately under a name everyone knows you as. Now for the good things. You're a very sweet girl and if I've had a bad day, you do the bare minimum to make it better. You have a giant heart for the lobby which I'm very fond of. The EM Spirit Week was an incredible idea and I wish I wasn't so busy with work so I could've participated in it. I like people that have creative minds quite a bit because as you probably know, I have one myself. We're in the same family and it's a pretty neat group of people you gathered there. You're very fun to play Survivor with. We almost always allies, and if I ever have to backstab you for the better of my game it genuinely hurts a lot because I really do enjoy allying you and talking with you throughout the course of the game. We did make it to the finals in one game with MegaRaptor and us three slayed the game, and I'm so happy that I was finally able to make it all the way to the end with you, rather than making you a secondary or tertiary ally. Anyways thanks for everything!
deletedalmost 7 years

tillie says

ooh can i have an opinion

me three
almost 7 years

alexroberts says

who's the bigger flop matt or soda17

matt 100%

soda17 won a ton of games, matt is just a meme
almost 7 years
ooh can i have an opinion
deletedalmost 7 years
who's the bigger flop matt or soda17