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Lobby Opinons~

almost 7 years

It's pretty much the Holiday Season SO these should be NICE opinions.

There's multiple ways to do this.

If you PM me an Anon Compliment/Message to someone, I will post it for you.

Alternatively, if you'd like me to give you a name, post asking for a name and I will PM you one and you can post it yourself.

If you want more than one, just specify and I'll give you the amount you ask for.

Best Christmas Song
O Holy Night
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Michael Buble
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Mistletoe by JBiebz
Ave Maria
Silent Night
almost 7 years

Ally says

may i have 3 names

also are we supposed to say the name of the person when we do them

if you want to then that'd be great =]
deletedalmost 7 years
may i have 3 names

also are we supposed to say the name of the person when we do them
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
Such a loveable goofball who doesn't know his own self-worth. He's better than he thinks he is and he deserves better friends. He is nice to practically everyone and is always a good person to go to if you need to rant or anything. He's good at giving out advice or at the very least being a non-judgmental shoulder to go to whenever you need to let out some steam.

I don't know this person well enough to have a well-formed opinion on them. They seem fairly loved by the EM community. They have a lot of friends on this website, or at least people who enjoy being around them. Overall, they're always nice to everyone and they contribute a lot to this lobby.

This person is very creative and I wish we talked a bit more. They host a lot of fun games that spruce up the lobby. Kudos for how much you've contributed over the years.
almost 7 years
Eatemuptigs- One of my first friends in the lobby who never fails to get me out even when i target him all the time for being a threat. Definitely also 1/2 of the best survivor lobby couple which is pretty cool!!! I also almost met him once which would have been interesting, but im glad I know him!

Jacob!!! Ever since the krista and ari era we have became much closer. I am so glad i know you because you are super funny and I think your obsession over lost is funny too. You will rock EMBB7 because i drafted you!

Jake!! Apparently I was your first ally in your first lobby game which is pretty special and you are a pretty chill dude. I dont know you extremely well, but I know you are quite outgoing behind the screen and you are from Michigan too!(woop woop)
almost 7 years
give me 3 names please
almost 7 years
1. this person is super iconic! i love the gifs they post and how they're always super funny. i don't see them around that much but would love to play with them more!

2. i don't rly know this person at all but i've heard a lot of good things about them from everyone else! i admire how much they care about their friends n make sure their friends wellbeing is ok n all that, its super cool and something i didn't really realise about them when i first started. love their sense of humour too!

3. i love this person!!!! and everyone else should too tbh! honestly one of the fakest people i've met but i'm a big fan of it. i love how i can literally talk to them about anything, like funny, boring, serious, anything, and i always have so much fun. even tho this person hates a lot of ppl, they are also so positive, and funny, and usually super smart! i like how i lowkey brag to other ppl how i'm friends with them bcos they're so smart lol um sorry that this doesn't do u justice!
almost 7 years
2 pls
almost 7 years
This person is amazing and I'm so glad I met them. They introduced me to like 2 fun musicals and an amazing show so I appreciate that so much!! They are always so kind and make fun threads to bring positivity and I love that about them!
almost 7 years
i'll take 2!~
deletedalmost 7 years
Can I pls have 2 names (and could u pls reply to my message about battle snakes lol)
almost 7 years
can i have a couple names? like 3
deletedalmost 7 years
i'll take 3!
almost 7 years
can i have 3 please
almost 7 years

tara- One of my fave people i've met in this place, always super nice to me and we always talk about the weirdest things but it's always super fun to talk to her.

ally- One of the nicest people i've met here, I think we click a lot (or at least i just rlly like you), and we don't talk as much as i would like! Sometimes she can be really defensive or really offensive but she really does have a good personality and heart!

lelmoo- He's always there to be on the receiving end ; ). of me being annoying af, and he never yells at me except when he bullies me which is all the time actually but one day im gonna do better than 5th and rub it in his face. on the whole he's just rlly funny and kind, ly elmo jones.
deletedalmost 7 years
this user is a wonderful person!! i haven't talked to her that much but she's really sweet and lovable and adorable. she's also great at art and i look up to her a lot !
deletedalmost 7 years
this person's rlly cool, i've seen them a lot around the lobby but never had the pleasure of talking to them really or playing with them, in the few little interactions we've had they were super nice and they made me a tahiti host for like 5 seconds and those are 5 seconds i will never forget <3 hopefully as time goes on we'll get to talk to each other more because everyone seems to genuinely like them and I can see why.
almost 7 years
Feel free to add the name of the person your compliment is about btw @Tara
almost 7 years

bryce1997 says

Imagine making this poll and not including last christmas or all i want for christmas!!!!

i forgot kelly clarkson's rendition of my grown up christmas list and that's literally my favorite im so upset
almost 7 years
loris: always makes me laugh!! top 5 in fave ppl in this lobby x

spade: can be kind of odd, but the sweetest of people <3

feist: A NICE PERSON. would love to get to know her better x
almost 7 years
can i have some more, sorry hehe
almost 7 years
id like a name
almost 7 years
so i don't rly know this person too well but they are always super positive and fun to be around! it's really impressive how even though they don't play a lot of games, they consistently do really well in a bunch of them. like they're just naturally really good at survivor and their social/strat combination is on point! love stanning them in orgs! hopefully i can talk to them more in the future n get to know them better!
almost 7 years
Imagine making this poll and not including last christmas or all i want for christmas!!!!
deletedalmost 7 years
i'd like a name!!