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Nicole's Brantsteele Thread

almost 7 years

I'm bored so post if u want to be added to a brantsteele. Will be doing random ones in the meantime

First one is going to be hunger games~ if u want any particular district post too :3

The Circle: Game Of Thrones - Page 1 - 5

Big Brother: Code Geass - Page 6 - 9

Survivor: Assassination Classroom - Page 9 - 14

Big Brother: Harry Potter - Page 14 - 22

Total Drama: League Of Legends Demacia VS Noxus - Page 22 - 27

Survivor: League Of Legends Freljord VS Ionia VS Bligewater - Page 27 - 32

Dog Eat Dog: Riverdale - Page 32 - 33

The Challenge: Pretty Little Liars - Page 33 - 38

Survivor: Game Of Thrones Starks VS Lannisters - Page 38 - 42

Big Brother: Whodunnit - Page 42 - 47

Survivor: The Ridonculous Race - Page 47 - 52

Current Players:

District 1 Male - Elfen

District 1 Female - Marry

District 2 Male - Picante

District 2 Female - Chiaki

District 3 Male - Ginga

District 3 Female -

District 4 Male - 100GOD

District 4 Female - Tillie

District 5 Male - Chanman

District 5 Female -

District 6 Male - Alex

District 6 Female - Sonia

District 7 Male - Knife

District 7 Female -

District 8 Male - FireDragonPrince

District 8 Female -

District 9 Male - Lelmoo

District 9 Female - Nicol

District 10 Male - Kospice

District 10 Female - Karth

District 11 Male - Bryce

District 11 Female - R0ronoaZoro

District 12 Male - Schikgil

District 12 Female - Flippo

What is ur favorite
Big Brother
Hunger Games
The Amazing Race
almost 7 years
Lorenzo wins the Fan Favorite!
almost 7 years
Emma votes for Owen to win.

She felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.

Sanders votes for Owen to win.

She felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.

Lorenzo votes for Owen to win.

He felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.

Brody votes for Owen to win.

He felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.

Kitty votes for Owen to win.

She felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.

Ennui votes for Owen to win.

He felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.

Jen votes for Owen to win.

She felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.

Crimson votes for Owen to win.

She felt that Owen deserved to win for winning lots of immunity challenges.
almost 7 years
Owen wins by a vote of 8-0-0.
almost 7 years
Josee, Noah and Owen face the jury.
almost 7 years
The castaways all vote.

The first vote goes to...Crimson.

The second vote goes to...Owen.

The third vote goes to...Owen.

The fourth vote and final vote goes to....Crimson.

Final results are 2 votes Owen, 2 votes Crimson.

There is a tie and a revote.

The people in the tie will not revote.

The first vote goes to...Crimson.

The second vote and player leaving is...Crimson.

Final results are 2 votes Crimson.

Crimson, the tribe has spoken.
almost 7 years
Noah wins immunity!
almost 7 years
Rise To It

"The castaways would race through an obstacle course and a water slide to retrieve six bags of puzzle pieces, two at a time. They would then use the pieces to solve a puzzle which would give them clues to solve a combination lock. The first castaway to unlock the combination lock and raise their flag would win."
almost 7 years
Crimson has the Kuki Tribe idol.

The castaways all vote.

Crimson plays the Kuki Tribe idol.

The first vote goes to...Jen.

The second vote goes to...Jen.

The third vote goes to...Noah.

The fourth vote and player leaving is...Jen.

Final results are 4 votes Jen, 1 vote Noah.

Jen, the tribe has spoken.
almost 7 years
No one has found the Kuki Tribe idol.

Crimson found the idol!

The behavior of Owen is rubbing the tribe the wrong way.
almost 7 years
Owen wins immunity!
almost 7 years
A Bit Tipsy

"The castaways would pull on a rope attached to an unbalanced table to keep the table level. They would stand a wooden block on end and have to hold on to the rope to keep the block upright. They would then retrieve one of nine wooden blocks from three stations while keeping all the blocks on the table upright. Once the block was retrieved, the castaway would have to stack the block on the table and retrieve the other blocks. Should any of the blocks fall, the castaway would have to return to the table and restack the blocks. The first castaway to have all ten blocks standing for a three count would win."
almost 7 years
Kitty, Jen, and Ennui are at Redemption Island.

Crimson does not switch places with Ennui.

Kitty, Jen, and Ennui compete.

Kitty is eliminated from the game.

Ennui is eliminated from the game.

Jen finishes first and returns to the game.

She receives a clue to the hidden immunity idol.
almost 7 years
A Leg Up

"Survivors must balance a ceramic vase on the end of a balance beam with one leg. When they can no longer take the pain or they lose their balance, their vase will drop and smash, eliminating them. The last person left wins."
almost 7 years
Noah has the Kuki Tribe idol.

The castaways all vote.

Noah plays the Kuki Tribe idol.

The first vote goes to...Noah.

The second vote goes to...Noah.

The third vote goes to...Noah.

The fourth vote goes to...Ennui.

The fifth vote and player leaving is...Ennui.

Final results are 2 votes Ennui.

Ennui, the tribe has spoken.
almost 7 years
No one has found the Kuki Tribe idol.

Noah found the idol!

Noah and Crimson bond slightly.
almost 7 years
Owen wins immunity!

He also wins a picnic lunch.

He shares the reward with Crimson.
almost 7 years
Pulled Up

"At the starting position, the castaways will dive into the water and ride along a buoy. After making it back to shore, the castaways will solve a puzzle of an eight-word Survivor phrase (You are going to have to dig deep)."
almost 7 years
Kitty, Jen, and Brody are at Redemption Island.

Kitty, Jen, and Brody compete.

Kitty finishes first and advances.

Jen finishes runner up and advances.

Brody is eliminated from the game.

Kitty gives a clue to the hidden immunity idol to Ennui.
almost 7 years
Jail Break

"Locked in a makeshift jail cell, players must use sticks and rope to create a long pole to retrieve three keys. These keys are to be used to unlock three locks. First two to open all three locks and get through their door stays alive."
almost 7 years
The castaways all vote.

The first vote goes to...Brody.

The second vote goes to...Brody.

The third vote goes to...Brody.

The fourth vote goes to...Ennui.

The fifth vote goes to...Ennui.

The sixth vote and player leaving is...Brody.

Final results are 4 votes Brody, 2 votes Ennui.

Brody, the tribe has spoken.
almost 7 years
No one has found the Kuki Tribe idol.

No one found the idol this round.

The behavior of Josee is becoming appreciated around camp.
almost 7 years
Noah wins immunity!

He also wins an ice-cream stand to be brought to camp for the afternoon for reward.

He shares the reward with Brody and Owen.
almost 7 years
Ram-Ball On

"Castaways must race to balance a ball on the top of a pole while maneuvering through a series of obstacles. Along the way, they would add another section of the pole, making it harder to balance the ball as they make their way through the course. After they got past the balance beam, they would have to untie knots to get to a table, where they would place the ball on it to retrieve a key, then using the key to unlock a chest of sandbags and shoot the sandbags at a series of bamboo targets. The first castaway to finish wins."
almost 7 years
Kitty, Jen, and Lorenzo are at Redemption Island.

Kitty, Jen, and Lorenzo compete.

Kitty finishes first and advances.

Jen finishes runner up and advances.

Lorenzo is eliminated from the game.

Kitty gives a clue to the hidden immunity idol to Ennui.
almost 7 years
House of Cards

"Each competitor has 150 to 200 wooden tiles. They must use the tiles to build a house of cards up to certain height within a specified time period. The first person to reach the target height wins. However, if the clock runs out, the contestant with the tallest house of cards wins the challenge."