deletedalmost 7 years

This is a thread that I made just to keep everyone updated on my average life.

feel free to ask me anything, or you can comment if you want an opinion from me! Easy breezy

deletedover 6 years

Nicol says

opinion pls

nicole, my lil kiwi! haven't talked or seen you round in ages, idk if it's me that's been round less or you hhahah really sweet girl, and have had some funny chats with you in the past! you seem to have so many friends on this site, and so many people who love you like their lil sister, so that's obviously a credit to your endearing nature! as i'm typing this a kereru is outside my bedroom window, i hope u can appreciate! merry christmas to you, have a wonderful day
deletedover 6 years

bryce1997 says

opinion pls!

bryyyyyyccceeeee!!! you are another one of the embb5ers that i became friends with, but i knew you before embb5 because of that 1 game we played together where we were in the minority tribe and you were really nice and i got 8th and you were only one left against 6 people on the other tribe, and you won!!!!!!!!!! what a boss!!! i think you are a really really really nice and giving person, and you're constantly making sure everyone is happy and having fun, and that's really nice! you have really good morals, and i remember chatting to you about stuff and it was clear you're just a really good person! y'all got some sick dance moves (to CRJ) and you even had a gif made of you hahahahh just a great person, good friend, 10/10
over 6 years
opinion pls
over 6 years
will ur opinion made me blush
over 6 years

Markus says

everybody gettin personal in their personal threads, but i lack the emotional capacity to delve into that sorta stuff, so in classic me fashion here's a pic of me to kick off the christmas festivities!!!

meri kirihimete friends!

This is adorable!!!
deletedover 6 years

withered says

I'll take an opinion buddo

i swear you were survivor lobby's best kept secret, and then wham when all those redditors arrived, you emerged from the shadows and here you are! i have always rated you highly in my mind, as someone who is very rational, logical and quick-witted, which are all things i value highly in a person! i think you have the tendency to keep your cards very close to your chest, and i feel like i don't know much about you personally, but nonetheless i think you bring a lot to this community! your a year in the survivor lobby thingy is cool, and you're always active in the forums and lobby making threads and games and cool new ideas, so that's really awesome and doesn't go unnoticed!
over 6 years
opinion pls!
deletedover 6 years

annajane says

opinion me!!!

was super intimidated by you coming into this lobby, because you were super well known and had strong friendships with heaps of people, so wasn't sure if we were ever gonna get the time to become friends!! when the discord chat started up i thought that was my shot at being friends with you, but then i would join call and you would all be mid convo and no one would acknowledge me and idk i freaked and left the discord chat altogether hahahaha BUT THEN i remember watching you in your ORGs and being a massive fan, and idk somehow we talked a lil bit more and i can say that finally we are friends and i think you're a really lovely girl, and you have so much time for all your friends! you have so much passion for the games you play, and your effort tenfolds every other person (and that's not a discredit to their effort, you're just insane!). you are very beautiful, and you have a warm vibe about you which is always nice. i love your kitten, she is adorable, and idk if they're your dogs in your snaps, but they are fücking beautiful as well!!!!! i think you contribute so much to this lobby and i'm very grateful you're in it!!!!
deletedover 6 years
I'll take an opinion buddo
over 6 years
opinion me!!!
deletedover 6 years
consistency is key, jack
over 6 years

Markus says

everybody gettin personal in their personal threads, but i lack the emotional capacity to delve into that sorta stuff, so in classic me fashion here's a pic of me to kick off the christmas festivities!!!

meri kirihimete friends!

this is so on-brand
over 6 years
A legend amongst men
deletedover 6 years

Chanman123 says


meri kirihimete = merry christmas in maori! which is a national language of new zealand. :)

as for opinion, you were actually one of the first people i came across in this lobby since we were in embb5 together, and that was a shîtty way to start us off, considering we weren't exactly best mates there! but i am someone who will never ever take a game outside the game, and thankfully you were exactly the same, and after i was evicted you messaged me saying you were excited to see me round the lobby more, and that was really nice and i really appreciated that! you're a chiller, a cool dude, and i always enjoy playing with you! you're very good natured, and that shows with how much people enjoy you and your place in the survivor lobby!
deletedover 6 years

100GOD says

I'll take an opinion pls :P

saurabh!!!!!!!!!!! just an all round really nice guy! every interaction we've ever had you've been super pleasant, super positive, and always keen for a chat! i really enjoy playing with you, or just kicking back with you, your positivity is really refreshing, and it's always welcomed! i think you're quite relaxed, which is really awesome, i love chill people, but i also think it hinders some people getting to know you, which is a shame because you're awesome!
deletedover 6 years

evolpz says

oh pin eeon

i don't really think we've ever had a proper conversation, we've been in a couple games together but were never allied, and we haven't come across each other on this site really in any other form. from what i've seen/heard, you're a pretty good host, and you may have rubbed some people the wrong way (? could be wrong idk), but you've always seemed pretty tame to me. maybe coz you're always high idk hahahahaha
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
everybody gettin personal in their personal threads, but i lack the emotional capacity to delve into that sorta stuff, so in classic me fashion here's a pic of me to kick off the christmas festivities!!!

meri kirihimete friends!
almost 7 years
I'll take an opinion pls :P
deletedalmost 7 years

Ally says

hi will!!! <3333

can i have an opinion

alickzandruh!!!!!!!!!! i genuinely can't remember how we became friends, but i know our first experience was embb5 and you picking on me coz i was an easy target!!!!!!! since then our friendship has blossomed and i can safely say you're one of the best people i've come across on this site, and someone who i can always rely on to have my back! i've never met anyone more passionate about these games that you dedicate so much of yourself to, whether as a host or a player, and i respect that heaps! you put up with ALL my drunk shenanigans and you grin and bear them, so that's kind, coz i would have kicked myself to the kerb by now if i were you. you always sound like you're about to burst into tears on call, but you wouldn't be ally if you didn't, so i love it. great gal, great friend, great member of the community!!!!!!!!!! mucho amor
deletedalmost 7 years

Schikgil says

Your name isn't even Markus

i'll assume a comment means you want an opinion!!!! i always got a good vibe from you from the first encounter i had with you in a lobby game! you're good to chat with, and you're always really friendly whenever i see you. i feel like now you have trust issues with me considering my name isn't markus, but alas i feel like we can move past that. top notch dude.
almost 7 years
but then you can be like "I have a big Willy!"

Missed opportunities here v.v
deletedalmost 7 years

Schikgil says

Your name isn't even Markus

Well marky mark sounded better than willy will
deletedalmost 7 years

rs1993 says

opinion pls

Charlieeeeee when I first ventured into survivor lobby like a year or 2 ago, you were in my first ever game and you were really nice to me, even though I didn’t get very far hhahaha from then on i’ve always thought really highly of you. You have a real talent for putting heaps of effort into projects such as the apprentice, and I think you’re a very intelligent guy with good insight and input for this lobby! Also i’ve never been able to work out where you’re from based on your flag and i’ve always been too scared to ask lol
deletedalmost 7 years

jack says

an opinion will suffice for now then : D

Probs the coolest guy on this site, and probs the most loved as well, and for good reason!!! You’re very approachable and I always thought you were really cool and really chill. I reckon out of the people on this site you’re probs someone who i’d probably get along with really well in real life. You’re super loyal to your friends and that’s pretty cool to see. You are never unreasonable and I feel like people can come to you for sound and rational advice! You’re a bit of a boss and I enjoy your snaps every now and then hahahah we’re the same age but you have your life together ten times more than me so I aspire to be as good of a person as you hahahahhaa never had a bad encounter with you, 10/10 guy