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2 Rooms and a Boom

about 7 years


This is a pretty interesting social deception game I found that sounds like it would be fun to play. I'll be hosting it tomorrow at 6pm EST using just the basic roles (president and bomber). If it goes well we can try out some other roles later.

Taking the first 10 players to sign up. If there are any questions about the rules just post them here as well. I'm still figuring out the specifics of how I'm going to split up the rooms and whatnot, but I'll keep you all updated.

  • The "rooms" will be individual mafia games
  • The leaders of the rooms will be chosen via the normal lynch system
about 7 years
wtff im the gambler?
deletedabout 7 years
go blues
about 7 years
red please bebop you said you were my team!!!
about 7 years
about 7 years
Before the results, Gambler Bebop, which alignment do you want to side with?
about 7 years
the only one not in the game is me and i feel so anxious right now
about 7 years
Okay, Shoopie is out. I will just make one player from one team the *Gambler*. The *Gambler* is not on either team and instead chooses an alignment after the last round is finished and right before it is revealed if the Bomber and President are in the same room.
deletedabout 7 years
i say cut her she didnt care enough!
about 7 years
hurry it up shoopie
deletedabout 7 years
bloody shoopie
about 7 years
Waiting to find out if Shoopie is playing
about 7 years

The says

Quick Explanation of the Rules
You're either on the Red team or the Blue team. On the Red team one person is secretly the Bomber, and on the Blue team one person is secretly the President.

Everyone is split into two rooms randomly. Each room converses about the game and chooses a leader before the round is finished. At the end of the round the leader chooses a Hostage, i.e. a person that will be sent to the other room for the next round.

Once the two rooms exchange their Hostages, another round starts and the game continues playing in the same fashion for the rest of 3 rounds. At the end of the game if the Bomber and President are in the same room, the Red team wins. If the Bomber and President are in different rooms, the Blue team wins.

During rounds you can speak to everyone, whisper privately to people, reveal your role or alignment to someone privately, or reveal your role or alignment to the entire group. Using these actions you must work with your color to complete your win condition.

about 7 years
i will be an alt, im friends with meg/char/nobody so just have them ping me
about 7 years
I'm in
about 7 years
I'm also accepting people for alternates if some people don't show up.
deletedabout 7 years
We should play the resistance game as well I played it IRL and it’s super fun
about 7 years
I would like to play.
about 7 years
One more spot
deletedabout 7 years
Can I play idk what this is but I’m down
about 7 years
Count me in
deletedabout 7 years
I’m in
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
ill try i should be home at that time.
deletedabout 7 years
poke me
about 7 years
i love this game, im in