over 6 years

My personal thread.

Reading a couple of other personal threads inspired me to make my own. So here we are.

I also make music. Here's all the tracks I've created if you're interested in listening to them.


Here is a list of things that bad players do. Do you do any of these? https://epicmafia.com/topic/70920

over 6 years
She reminded him that not only would I be ostracized, but him also along with the entire family, so he zipped his filthy lips like the coward he was. I still repress my sexuality to this day, never even had my first kiss yet. People would ask me why I was so indifferent to dating and I'd lie and say I was asexual. Luckily for me, my appearance and voice didn't give anything away and honestly no one could tell I was gay. I did do little odd things however, like apply that eyeliner sh1t and eyebrow stuff, whatever it's called, when I was home alone, never liked lipstick or that powder crap though. I'd also cover my mouth in a feminine way whenever I'd laugh or so I'm told. I personally don't think I do ??? Probably going to officially come out when I'm financially independent or whenever I muster up the confidence. Idk, it's hard to trust people when your own dad would kill you if he ever knew you were a gay boy.
over 6 years

HighSpace says

I would pay attention to the things my friends or family said, especially when they would talk negatively about something. Repetition of these negative things only told me: This is bad and weird! You can imagine being gay was in there. Reality TV and anime was also shunned, so of course I would avoid as much as possible for people to associate me with these ‘negative’ things. So I kept these to myself, in order to meet people’s expectations so they wouldn't disapprove of me, and this is a mindset that I still live with today. I knew I was gay when I was about 15. I never imagined I would be before that. So what did I tell myself once I knew? I didn’t disagree with their opinions. I saw myself as a freak, but at least if nobody knew, they would still approve of me and see me as normal, and I’d keep being able to fit in, no problem. And that’s the mentality I’ve been living with, and even today, getting rid of it isn’t the easiest thing. Why do I still care about how people view me? I wish I could just tell my mind to stop thinking like that.

I can really relate to this. I've known I was gay ever since preschool and I also knew that if I ever told anyone, something really bad could happen to me. Only 4 people irl to this day know that I'm homosexual and it wasn't even to my own accord. Near the end of highschool, my older brother who was abusive to me, physically and emotionally, went on my laptop without my permission and browsed my history, finding that I visited gay sites. He immediately told my mom and sister (my mom and sister love me unconditionally no matter what) and would have told the entire community if my mom didn't warn him.
over 6 years

HighSpace says

...the first letter of each category spells OCEAN. Was this on purpose?

hahaha yeah this is often called the ocean test for short. iirc each of the traits can also be related to common traits of the UN big 5 but i can't remember... we had a discussion about this in a psych class i took a long time ago
over 6 years
...the first letter of each category spells OCEAN. Was this on purpose?
over 6 years
I decided to take the 5 personality test after reading a certain thread, this is what I got.

Openness to experience 68%
Conscientiousness 1%
Extraversion 1%
Agreeableness 1%
Natural Reactions 30%

My thoughts on the results?

over 6 years
helo this is me also here to express my support

but for real, am proud of you for having so much courage, and you're still the same awesome person
deletedover 6 years

HighSpace says

cute says

HEY!!! this is so brave of you, wow! i really wish i had the courage to say what you said to many people in my real life.

You and I are in the same boat for this one. As for the pizza, Morgan and I are currently trying something (he's gonna phone the pizza place to pay)

I feel like the most important part missed in this is that Emile was gonna make a deaf person phone a pizza place.
over 6 years
I'm v proud of you. ♡
over 6 years
I completely goofed up by talking about inside out and sad songs without realizing there was a really personal post literally a page before that

I guess I’m late to this but just wanted to say: good for you, and I mean this in all honesty. I don’t feel the need to preface this with “i’ve always known you to be a good guy” or anything like that (even though you are), because even if i thought you were an asśhole it takes a lot of guts to post something so personal on the internet or anywhere really, and I highly respect and commend you for it. I hope that in the coming days of your life, you feel less conflicted about how others view you (which is difficult to do), and you’ve got my support as well the support of many others on this thread to back you up. Major props and respect to you my dude
over 6 years

Ally says

i miss you - blink-182

YESSSSSSS this is such a good song for when you're sad
over 6 years
I know I'm late to the whole gay thing but I just wanted to say that you've been nothing but kind to me throughout my time on this website and I'm glad to have met you. You're an awesome guy and I commend you for your bravery in coming out <3
over 6 years
it’s got some goofy children stuff but the writing is incredibly smart, i’d say a background in psychology certainly helps a ton with appreciating it
deletedover 6 years

HighSpace says

I don't know why, but listening to sad songs when I am sad makes me feel better.

i do this too! i miss you - blink-182 and lover dearest - marianas trench are two of my faves
over 6 years
Yeah agreed, the song really helps immerse you in your emotions and you let yourself experience how you feel instead of trying to bury it.

I've also never watched 'Inside Out', I might if I think about it when I have the time.
over 6 years

HighSpace says

I don't know why, but listening to sad songs when I am sad makes me feel better.

it works a lot actually. Fully allowing your grief to settle, experiencing it and comprehending it to be able to take the pain/loss before moving on from it is far more beneficial to mental well-being than seeking escapism, in my experience

It’s also kind of what the great Pixar movie “Inside Out” teaches us hah
over 6 years
I like you more now that i know your gay
deletedover 6 years
when i'm sad, listening to sad songs allows me to process the sadness and then get over it quicker, leading me to feel better
over 6 years
I don't know why, but listening to sad songs when I am sad makes me feel better.
deletedover 6 years
ya it's getting a bit old in just style for the show itself

ah well, that's just the way of things
over 6 years
So I've finished the fourth season of black mirror. For me, half the episodes were hits and the other half were misses.

I feel like the same ideas are starting to be recycled, which worries me for what content they can come up with for future seasons. However, I'm still enjoying the storylines and the moral questions the show gets us to ask ourselves.
over 6 years

Voice says

ok but what kind of men are you into

Not you
over 6 years
emile, i'm so happy for you!! wish i could give u a big ol' hug rn.
over 6 years
ok but what kind of men are you into
over 6 years
Wow - thanks for sharing Emile.

And yeah I think I hid my homosexuality on this site for at least the first 4-5 months I was here because I mostly hide it in real life - I came out in a morning Skype chat basically by holding a hot guy Sunday by changing the picture as we did fairly often in that chat and even then a few people didn't take the hint.

But really in some ways this site has been both the biggest confidence booster and also maybe slightly negative in some ways. I've never had the level of support or had my homosexuality normalized and really just felt comfortable with it like I've had on this site. It's amazing that my friends here don't even think twice about me or make me feel awkward in any way and that's something I've absolutely never had in real life with the few people I've come out to.

But at the same time it's kind of been a curse in that, now that I have all the support and comfort I need here, and because of the great awkwardness I have to deal with in real life compared to the practically none that exists here - I really didn't continue my progression in real life of slowly coming out to people. It pretty much ground to a halt because I didn't need that support anymore.

I guess all I'm saying Emile is the people in this community are amazing and accepting and you honestly will be seen as 0% different, but how you're able to progress and deal with your real life handling of your sexuality still is important and needs a lot of focus and courage and I wish you all the best and hopefully you'll feel like you have people who are in this with you on your journey :)
over 6 years
Nothing about your comments would ever change the genuine respect and love people on this site feel towards you Emile. If nothing else it would increase that. Thanks for speaking up, I'm proud of you and proud to call you my friend. I think it's natural to be conscious of how the world views you, it's a matter of not letting that dictate who you are or what you do. I wish you the best of luck with working through all of this and finding the balance between being yourself and fitting in with your family and friends.