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Sam's Procrastination Station

over 6 years

I'm back in college which means I'm off vacation and on the procrastination station. Choo choo, all aboard. I'll post here until I start putting off doing things on this thread too.

over 6 years
??? Sometimes I read posts I make before and wonder what was going through my head. Technobabble is GREAT.

Basically, I think that whenever someone guesses for an idol, they should feel like they have a chance to get the idol.

So a good system would be having very few places to guess for an idol (10 to 20) with few chances to guess for it.

In Survivor it would be very natural to have the prize in a reward challenge be making another idol guess. There's no need to give out "idol clues" unless they are hints to a riddle's solution.

I know that as a player myself I'd be more invested in reward challenges if the reward was being able to guess 1 in 10 names as opposed to changing the 100 names I could guess between every 24 hours to 50.
over 6 years
I don't know what I was on before but I'll just talk simply now
over 6 years
The How

The How is what kind of chance a player gets.
It can either be random, where a player has to guess (pick a name from a list, a numbered jar...) or it can be guaranteed, where if a player completes a certain condition (they win a trial, they have enough 'money' to buy it from a shop, or make a certain choice in an event) they will 100% receive an idol.

I am a fan of event-based random instead of cyclical random (which is the most common)

I'll explain why later!
over 6 years
The When

The When is the chance.

The chance can appear in two ways: it can either be cyclical (guess every 24 hours) or it can be event-based (you can only guess if you win reward, or right before immunities, after making a certain choice, etc.)

I prefer the event-based system because it's much less tedious
over 6 years
Now that I've taken a nap I'll just spam thoughts instead. Indecision woo!

There are two things to decide as a host. When an individual player has the opportunity to get that sweet, sweet, idol and how it's decided which player will actually receive one.

Let me elaborate on both parts because based on these descriptions the difference isn't immediately clear.
over 6 years
Mmmm, I think I'll make a document because I need to figure out how to organize my thoughts.
over 6 years
Idol/Advantage Distribution Methods

Long List
In this method players get a long list of names or words and they guess for an idol every 24 hours or so.

-Very easy to prepare
-Very easy to make idol clues for ("this word starts with the first half of the alphabet")
-Rewards players who are most organized and "committed" to finding the idol and actively guess every day

-Very tedious for the players to go through
-Requires at least one host to be on fairly frequently
-If everyone is searching optimally, rewards players with most allies because they know which places have already been checked (we want idols to go the underdogs for a more dynamic game)

In my opinion the list should always be a list of places rather than names, because the idea of "searching" survivor contestants isn't good for immersion. Are all 500+ Survivor contestants lined up on your beach waiting for you to sift through their pockets? Weird.
over 6 years
I might rant about org design ideas for a bit just to put them out there.

Right now I'm thinking about the best way to put together idol guesses.
over 6 years

Voice says

You could just mass PM people and ask if they'd like to participate in such a thing and organize some sort of sociometrics measure and then gather data from there. I think that'd be the most accurate.

The hardest part would be getting people to agree to it and also getting people to do it, but it wouldn't take much time to do as a participant and if you would want help in compiling results, I wouldn't mind helping. :]

Thank you Voice! I'll let you know if I ever start being unlazy and do something like that. I'm still not sure what sociometrics measure would be best even then. "Who do you talk to the most?"
over 6 years
You could just mass PM people and ask if they'd like to participate in such a thing and organize some sort of sociometrics measure and then gather data from there. I think that'd be the most accurate.

The hardest part would be getting people to agree to it and also getting people to do it, but it wouldn't take much time to do as a participant and if you would want help in compiling results, I wouldn't mind helping. :]
over 6 years
I love how those 3 posts after mine went 1 "it's simple" 2 "there might be too much work" 3 "it's too much work" one after the other. A nice visual progression of "fuk this im lazy".

and yes you should sleep
over 6 years
I stayed up late last night so I'm really tired. I don't think I regret it, though. But I need to sleep early tonight!
over 6 years
I just talked about auditing a course with a professor and I hope I'm not making a mistake! If it's too much courseload it'll probs stress me out, and if it's too little I prob could've just taken it anyway.
But I kind of want to know what it's like so I can see if I want to audit spam in the future.
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

that's definitely a neat idea. I'd love to see something like that but I won't hold my breath as there's just too much work involved.

Alright R0ro, you're just about right. It's too much work for me to do without making it a project.
over 6 years
Yeah I agree that there might be too much work involved. Right now the most "effective"/easy/interesting method would be make connections based on who commented on whose lobby walls (the alternative, friendship lists, are even more tedious to check through). The graph would still be a gross oversimplification of social ties, but it would be cool to look at at a glance.
over 6 years
It's simple to make a social graph with this site
cause all you do is add nodes (people) and edges (connections) and it'll arrange them for you. So it's fun to play with!

Depending on the method, it'd probably be unmanageable @ around 8 people. If there was some way to limit the number of connections per person then it'd be easy to increase.
over 6 years
that's definitely a neat idea. I'd love to see something like that but I won't hold my breath as there's just too much work involved.
over 6 years
I think it would be interesting to make a social graph for vivor lobby but I don't know a good arbitrary method to judge "friends" that won't make me insane while collecting data.

Link people who are EM friends? Link people who posted each other's walls? Link people who posted on each other's personal threads?

I'd also have to figure out when to stop because since I'd manually add every node the work would add up exponentially.
over 6 years

cinnanie says

I relate to you with the printer problems

favorite battle royale org moments? I missed hosting it!

I think the events leading up to the fight at the swimming pool along with the swimming pool fight itself were the most complex machinations in the game.
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

or create an attachment or something to catch/stop the paper from being launched

That's a smart and reasonable suggestion that I am not motivated enough to implement.
over 6 years
I relate to you with the printer problems

favorite battle royale org moments? I missed hosting it!
over 6 years
or create an attachment or something to catch/stop the paper from being launched
over 6 years
Whenever I use my printer it spits out all my documents onto the floor. Every time I print a reading it's like a game of 52-pickup.

The printer looks good perched atop the shelf, but maybe I should reconsider its location.
over 6 years

cinnanie says

If you liked Ping Pong the Animation, you might like Devilman Crybaby too :o Both of them was directed by Masaaki Yuasa, amazing arthouse genius

Thank you for the rec!! Another show I was thinking of watching (Tatami Galaxy) incidentally has Masaaki Yusasa as director too, so I'm definitely putting Devilman on my view list.
over 6 years
If you liked Ping Pong the Animation, you might like Devilman Crybaby too :o Both of them was directed by Masaaki Yuasa, amazing arthouse genius