almost 7 years

Who else loves X? Can you wait for ? Did you love 17? Discuss here.

Best album/mixtape/ep by X?
? (so far or when it comes out)
Heartbreak Hotel
The Fall
Ice Hotel
over 6 years
im not saying u have issues cuz the only tme u ever post is to just say something hateful abuot other people then hypocritically say they deserve it cuz theyre mean too im saying u have issues cuz u have a vribator and i hate the gays
deletedover 6 years

Flygon says

i don't hate you. i literally don't care about you. i'm so completely apathetic about you. BUT if i had a chance to murder you i'd take it because i don't care that much. wobble ya head i don't care.

who are you talking to
over 6 years
I don't care that you broke your elbow
over 6 years

groundhogday says

Flygon says

i mean you're the one who got mad that triple x trash got killed and i'm gonna tapdance on his grave so

jesus dude ur like ten times ten times ten times ten times nine nine nine nine nine nine nine times less important than you think you are

over 6 years
i don't hate you. i literally don't care about you. i'm so completely apathetic about you. BUT if i had a chance to murder you i'd take it because i don't care that much. wobble ya head i don't care.
over 6 years
omg King of breaking down heteronormative walls
deletedover 6 years
deletedover 6 years
And don’t you dare Ben HOMOPHOBIC boys can use vibrators too
over 6 years
Wait do you use a vibrator on your aśs omg that sounds fun lol
over 6 years

calciumkid says

Everyone whos ever loved you was obviously wrong. I’m not saying I hate you, but I’d unplug your life support to charger my vibratorr. And vibratorrs are mostly battery charged js

You own a vibrator bud?
over 6 years

calciumkid says

Everyone whos ever loved you was obviously wrong. I’m not saying I hate you, but I’d unplug your life support to charger my vibratorr. And vibratorrs are mostly battery charged js

uve got issues lmao
deletedover 6 years
Everyone whos ever loved you was obviously wrong. I’m not saying I hate you, but I’d unplug your life support to charger my vibratorr. And vibratorrs are mostly battery charged js
deletedover 6 years
Yoohoo lacey
over 6 years
over 6 years
Anyone else shook that "?" is winning with 5 points but only has 4 votes.
deletedover 6 years

calciumkid says

Yoohoo Lacey where’d you go

5th time and i'm not telling you again lmao
deletedover 6 years
Yoohoo Lacey where’d you go
over 6 years

calciumkid says

I gotta be honest Lacey and Jeff are insane!

well I guess now that you got the no vio you’re gonna prove to me the discord chat was fake damn
over 6 years

Dawson says

Jeff and lacey, you guys are fcking insane.

damn I’ve been at work the last hour and this dude was still mad omg
over 6 years
over 6 years

MisterPresident says

There is so much anger in this thread that I can feel each post pulsating

My dong.
over 6 years
There is so much anger in this thread that I can feel each post pulsating
over 6 years

groundhogday says

Flygon says

i mean you're the one who got mad that triple x trash got killed and i'm gonna tapdance on his grave so

jesus dude ur like ten times ten times ten times ten times nine nine nine nine nine nine nine times less important than you think you are

and you're homophobic trash that no one will miss when you finally disappear from the site, but go on
deletedover 6 years
Just remember kids you can always talk about death and tapdancing on people's graves but nobody thinks you're worth the time of day to be danced on

You're as worthless in death as you were in life and that reflects on how you won't be remembered by anyone important :)
over 6 years

Flygon says

i mean you're the one who got mad that triple x trash got killed and i'm gonna tapdance on his grave so

jesus dude ur like ten times ten times ten times ten times nine nine nine nine nine nine nine times less important than you think you are