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Picante's Opinions V3

over 6 years

Ummm so apparently people want opinions of them from me? I'll just move this here and I'll get to it tomorrow I guess lol

Who did it best?
22 - Taylor Swift
22 - Lily Allen
over 6 years

Picante says

Ginga says

ur gay but that's okay

ur a weeb but that's okay

Sh*t man, honestly you personally never intimidated me because you always have weeb icons and I can never take you seriously because of that one time when you nominated me for not liking Junpei x Akane when we all know Akane deserves to be with Carlos!

Barring that though, damn you're a tough player to deal with LMAO I don't remember a time where I was able to take you out on my own terms because it was literally impossible to deal with your physical power, and to that, I commend you hermano because you're one of the few active players who I fear constantly in games.

Ummm... I think that's about it. You seem pretty cool and you need better taste in characters hahaha, have a good one dude :)

>Shipping Akane and Carlos

deletedover 6 years
I brought you here and I'll get rid of you too
over 6 years

Picante says

Finally, you better slay in Byzantium, don't disappoint me! <3

expectations aofejidksl
over 6 years

4Random2 says


I still love how I confused your skype for whalerus' and that you were the one who was Michael fjadsklj

Regardless of that, wow we really have few memories together besides that trophy game and a few other games as well. Honestly I don't know how you pretty much won two trophies in this lobby in such limited time, but damn you made a quick impact right off the bat buddy!~

Sadly I really don't know what else to say other than you have been a pleasure to be allies with and you're really nice even though you shouldn't be at times hahaha~
over 6 years

Ginga says

ur gay but that's okay

ur a weeb but that's okay

Sh*t man, honestly you personally never intimidated me because you always have weeb icons and I can never take you seriously because of that one time when you nominated me for not liking Junpei x Akane when we all know Akane deserves to be with Carlos!

Barring that though, damn you're a tough player to deal with LMAO I don't remember a time where I was able to take you out on my own terms because it was literally impossible to deal with your physical power, and to that, I commend you hermano because you're one of the few active players who I fear constantly in games.

Ummm... I think that's about it. You seem pretty cool and you need better taste in characters hahaha, have a good one dude :)
over 6 years

Nicol says

konnichiwa watashiwa nicole desu.

NICOLE!!! Wow, I remember you back in the day when we were the little scrubs of the lobby. Honestly you're one of the sweetest people that I know who honestly I didn't think would remember me at all when I told you I was Chuchu jfjasdkl

Damn though, how much you've grown just from being in this lobby, and it's been awesome to see you shine! Honestly it's really difficult to say much because you already know how much I love you to death and how much I want you to know you're amazing and I feel like you don't hear it enough from me so much! Also hit me up if you ever want to play Jhotto, I swear I've gotten better :p

Finally, you better slay in Byzantium, don't disappoint me! <3
over 6 years

rs1993 says

Hola es tu amigo Carlos

Damn I actually do remember when we first talked, which was a long while ago. You seemed like someone who knew what they were doing because you were a Spanish teacher in some country in Europe... I mean my memory can only remember so much. But yah, your first impression on me pretty has lasted even until today. You are one of the most impeccable hosts that I have witnessed host games, and I truly have to apologize for my performance on Heroes vs Villains because I literally was with my friend catching up with some school work xc

Barring that though, you seem like a good lad, you're still a good lad, but you aren't around much which I totally understand with how you probably have a busy schedule with teaching and all.

Finally but not least, good luck in Survivor: Byzantium hermano!~
over 6 years

jack says

Damn, well let's say that our first encounter really wasn't the best hahaha especially since I really didn't know how to properly act with a filter to gauge my actions. Fortunately, I would say for the least, I can understand more of your laid back nature which really contrasts mine who is pretty much on edge 24/7.

I feel like although we have differences in generalities, I think we have a basic understanding of just basic principles people should stand by. Especially with some certain things happening just in and out of the community, although I don't voice my opinion because I know doing so would create the matter worse, I do agree with you when I see some bullsh*t going on. I know this feels drawn out and stuff, but I'll just say someone was being a b*tch boy to you recently when it was really undeserved >.>

All in all my good lad, because I literally didn't give you a direct opinion on you, you seem like a well spoken and really kind dude... when I don't say something stupid xD And just a friendly reminder from me to you, think with your head, not your other head :)
over 6 years
snip me
over 6 years
over 6 years
oddly enough
over 6 years
pew pew, end me <3
over 6 years
Picante, I really need you to check your pms. Like right now. Urgent.
over 6 years

Picante says

Moomo says

lol do me before markus

As promised, you'll be the first one!

Oddly enough I would have to say you were a kind figure to me who I felt as though you were a very kind guy. Oddly enough although there was a lot of conflict resulting from an instance in the past, I really didn't pay any mind to it as I really felt as though it didn't undermine what I already knew about you.

You were insanely nice to me when I first joined the lobby, which says something because I was very young and immature, and my filter was essentially non-existent. Honestly you're one of the very first people I have come to appreciate and love in this lobby regardless of what others think because the way you have treated me speaks volumes to me personally, as I felt I wasn't being an for once hahaha...

Continuing forth though, honestly I'm glad to see that you've come back to the lobby, it was a pleasing surprise to say the least :) Honestly I wanted you to come back earlier but oh well LMAO It is what it is honestly, and I still find it funny how you were the first person I told I was Chuchu and you were so immediately accepting of me jfas;jf; literally it gave me more confidence to get out of my shell which I really did appreciate from you!

Finally, I would like to remind you, that you are such a lovely person, and that in the future, we can continue to talk not just on EM, but in personal life!~

over 6 years

elsies says

omg yay

Oh boy, we've been through a lot more than I ever thought we would.

i believe I remember you when you first joined the lobby; however it wasn't much until much more later when you would be playing the EM ORGs where people were really hyping you up as a social player. As someone who has never really understood our social utr game, I pretty much had put it to the side thinking that it was more of overhyping. Even during the 17th Trophy Game I believed you were just coasting, but wow when we've worked together you've proven me wrong and I actually understood how you played o_O I really do respect your work in games, and it's a pleasure when I'm actually with you instead of against you hahaha...

Now time to talk about how the tension began between us hahaha, I honestly forgot how it happened. However though regardless, I'm personally glad that we were able to dissolve it through Sam's Kill Queen ORG where we actually started to talk and I don't regret it at all <3 If I really think about it, it was probably my constant shade towards you even though it was banter, but it was still inappropriate of me as you could have taken it the wrong way which you did hahaha... all in all though, I'll see ya in the future in ORGs if we get cast in one, I'll be hopeful for that day to come :)
over 6 years

Markus says

i don't think i'll ever ask for an opinion from you ever again hahahahah

I would really disregard the last opinion I've given you because I was probably a little b*tch who needed the spotlight during that time fjadsklf

Going back to you though, oddly enough I remember you way back when I used to play in the Main Lobby, and would have to say I would never expect you to implement yourself into the Survivor Lobby. Not because I felt you didn't belong, more so that your forte seemed to be playing Mafia rather than Survivor, so you really have surprised me to say the least~

Although we really haven't talked much, I've been keeping up with some of the EM ORGs you've been and I would have to say that you've done really well in them and exceeded my expectations! This was mostly because I've seen you play very few Survivor games in the beginning, and you were still rusty in them from what I could tell. So really, you've seem to have improved in the Survivor Lobby, hopefully I'll see you soon in a game and see hoe much ya have improved!~
over 6 years

Moomo says

lol do me before markus

As promised, you'll be the first one!

Oddly enough I would have to say you were a kind figure to me who I felt as though you were a very kind guy. Oddly enough although there was a lot of conflict resulting from an instance in the past, I really didn't pay any mind to it as I really felt as though it didn't undermine what I already knew about you.

You were insanely nice to me when I first joined the lobby, which says something because I was very young and immature, and my filter was essentially non-existent. Honestly you're one of the very first people I have come to appreciate and love in this lobby regardless of what others think because the way you have treated me speaks volumes to me personally, as I felt I wasn't being an for once hahaha...

Continuing forth though, honestly I'm glad to see that you've come back to the lobby, it was a pleasing surprise to say the least :) Honestly I wanted you to come back earlier but oh well LMAO It is what it is honestly, and I still find it funny how you were the first person I told I was Chuchu and you were so immediately accepting of me jfas;jf; literally it gave me more confidence to get out of my shell which I really did appreciate from you!

Finally, I would like to remind you, that you are such a lovely person, and that in the future, we can continue to talk not just on EM, but in personal life!~
over 6 years
You can do me but your opinions are irrelevant and stale
deletedover 6 years
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
love u and your 'bf'
over 6 years
over 6 years
End my existence