jack in the box is gonna be the reason i die of pancreatic cancer in like 5 yrs but i'm not mad at it. $3 taco bundle, all packed to the brim w/ expertly seasoned cow sh*t and then deep fried ??? i mean come on
although i might be willing to admit that five guys has better fries, the overall better package deal of both a burger and fries belongs to in-n-out. or carl's jr.
or at least they used to? i might be being boo boo the fool rn and getting them mixed up with jack in the box. either way i've never eaten a seasoned curly fry that didn't bring me to the brink of orgasm
mcdonald's burgers taste like flat squishy mud pies and they're fckin delicious. BUT five guys is superior cuz u can gorge urself on peanuts while u wait to gorge urself on juicy beef
wendy's wins the fry contest tho, their curly fries could singlehandedly pull me out of a catatonic depression