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Games with Possess 1

about 6 years

Answer has been given on a reply on Page 8.

It's one month away from Christmas, so let's all get into the holiday vibe, ignore the 50 open reports and play some forum games!

This game is going to be a mix of Matt's hidden ranking and Elfen's coop riddles.

The rules are simple. For every hour, anybody is allowed to post any EM username, and I'll tell you whether that user is "Naughty" or "Nice". Alternatively, you can post a guess on what you think the criteria behind my decisions are. The first 30 users to be rated naughty or nice will be put on the list to the right for clarity purposes, but it otherwise doesn't server other purposes.

Here are two examples of what criterias it can be:

  1. Possess doesn't live in the US and is therefore naughty. Shenanigans live in the US and is therefore nice.
  2. Possess is known for GT-ing in comp and is naughty, whilst Shenanigans is known for trophying and is therefore nice.

You guys are free to discuss and share information (that's not OPI) in this thread to get a better idea as well. Go crazy. The correlation between being naughty and nice could be anything.

Since this is my first time hosting a forum game there probably won't be a price. If I think of a better game in the future maybe there will be. Alright, go!

List of "Nice" and "Naughty" users:

Nice: SteelixMega, Possess, Shwartz99, Army, Unfortunate, THodges, Ally, mw295, Myx, DreamGate, Blister, wink, ZzFifthElementszZ, Sasuke, bazzainver, SinB, Orienteering, ICouldBeYourDad, Fegelein97, SiriusBlack14

Naughty: LesbianPirate, jela, SHENANIGAS, mitra, Carmen, goodfrog, Lionei, Bubu, Alyssa, Songin, zambi, Ashllyn, Jacobalt0523, Lucid, PosterChild, NutellaSquad, OmgItsStrawHat

about 6 years
Am I naughty or nice? ?
about 6 years
uhhh is it just me or are most of the naughty people grills
about 6 years
I gave up but use Babu as a basis since they have nothing in terms of stats/profile.
about 6 years
I'm actually struggling here

you're nice
I'm naughty af
Ash is naughty

could this have anything to do with who we have added as friends?
about 6 years
people who play ranked / comp : nice

people who fücking hate that shít : naughty af
about 6 years
Since my alts are on both sides, it can be determined that it is not gameplay/persona.
about 6 years

LioneI says


I could go forever listing my alts

You can, but would you get the right answer? (^: Jacobalt0523 is naughty.

Fegelein97 says


Lucid is el' evil. Lucifer and Lucid. Coincidence? I think not!
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years

I could go forever listing my alts
about 6 years

Fegelein97 says

Rate me, i hope im naughty

Sorry to disappoint, you're nice :^(
about 6 years
about 6 years
Rate me, i hope im naughty
about 6 years
Naughty people have played as snowman according to stats page
about 6 years

LesbianPirate says

the naughty are people who has guns and hookers as one of their favorite set ups while the nice do not

Ew you have guns and hookers favourited... no
about 6 years
the naughty are people who has guns and hookers as one of their favorite set ups while the nice do not
about 6 years
Objective. Therefore I can rate users I don't know
about 6 years
Is it subjective or objective?
about 6 years

Songin says

Naughty people have higher mafia winrate
Nice people have higher town winrate

Good guess again, still no though. A big tip to everyone; I am aware that I've put some people's account on there repeatedly, on both nice and naughty as well.

Also, I thought about putting win rates when I first made the thread, but decided that it's too unstable of a factor to use and I would have to move people around by updating.
about 6 years
Naughty people have higher mafia winrate
Nice people have higher town winrate
about 6 years

Songin says

Naught people are those who like stickers that are mafia / 3rd party
Nice people are those who like stickers that are town

Nope! Starting to get observative though (:

LesbianPirate says

the naughty are people who would win in a bar fight and the nice are who would instead sit there and eat the free bar peanuts

We win the bar fights then proceed to eat all the peanuts, so no
about 6 years

LesbianPirate says

the naughty are people who would win in a bar fight and the nice are who would instead sit there and eat the free bar peanuts

would explain why im nice
about 6 years
the naughty are people who would win in a bar fight and the nice are who would instead sit there and eat the free bar peanuts
about 6 years
Naught people are those who like stickers that are mafia / 3rd party
Nice people are those who like stickers that are town
about 6 years

ICouldBeYourDad says


...Nice. Surprising...