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Ban onions from burger king

over 6 years

No onions at burger king, they are burger king not onion king. Sign if you agree

almost 6 years
Mayonnaise is spicy
about 6 years

BigBootyJoody says

Onions are for adults.

You're thinking of childpussy.
about 6 years
Onions are for adults.
about 6 years
Onions aren't even good anyway. Don't @ me.
about 6 years
wow I always thought this thread said "ban onions from burning".

life changing.
about 6 years
Ban EpicMafia from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not EpicMafia King smh
about 6 years
every few days I come back to this thread hoping for change
about 6 years
Ban Matt from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Matt King smh
about 6 years

SteelixMega says

Ban Soda from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Soda King smh

over 6 years
Ban Cheeseburgers from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Cheeseburger King smh
over 6 years
Ban Chicken Tenders from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Chicken Tender King smh
over 6 years
Ban Sauce from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Sauce King smh
over 6 years
Ban Fries from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Fries King smh
over 6 years
Ban Soda from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Soda King smh
over 6 years
Thank you guys, i agree.
over 6 years
onions r horrible
over 6 years
onions r gross
over 6 years
Ban Whoppers from Burger King. It's fkn Burger King, not Whopper King smh
over 6 years
Thank you em user for signing. Happy birthday btw
over 6 years
their onion rings with the zesty sauce is straight up
over 6 years
Alright We need 48 more signs good work guys keep em coming
over 6 years
I said no such thing, where are the receipts
deletedover 6 years
“you’re an onion. onions are gross” - matt to me
over 6 years
Would rather puppies (but not to eat)
over 6 years
Need 50 signs for no onions