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Forum mafia 3 - Twilight Zone!

deletedover 5 years

This is my third attempt at creating a forum mafia game, I have decided that the previous ones have not received enough participation and hope that this one will.

If you decide to join please note that a mandatory 50 posts will be required within a 24 hour period. If I do not see that level of participation i will replace you.

Here are the game rules

Set-up is 10 Town, 3 Mafia and consists of all PR's.

As soon as we reach 13 players the roles will be sent out and the game will begin on the following day at 6:00 PM EST

Days will be 72 Hours long, and Night will be 24 hours long (can be sped up with consensus vote)

Also its day start obviously lol



Current voting log 3.01 (71)

  • Game begins (2)
  • Cajones has subbed in for Memoji (25)
  • Achiee has subbed in for NCRAW (34)
  • Day one deadline extended (35)
  • Day one has ended, SteelixMega was lynched (41)
  • Day two has begun, Wadanohara has been killed (41)
  • Gamethroweador has subbed in for poser (43)
  • A voice cries out to you (49)
  • Day one has ended, Shwartz99 was lynched (62)
  • Shwartz99 kills Achiee (62)
  • Day three has begun, January has been killed (62)
  • Day three has ended, Cojones was lynched (75)
  • Night Four has ended, PJM was killed (75)
  • Mafia team (Leb, Gamethroweador, & Shady) Have won (76)

This is the master document, everything can be found here

over 5 years

NCRAW says

there is one mafia in jan and mac.
- leaning more jan is maf. I agree with project matt’s thing on them trying to get towncred for outing a townread.

why is there one maf in jan/mac specifically?
over 5 years
january towntold pretty well on page 12. don't think she's maf anymore.
over 5 years
over 5 years
oh hey what's up, im miller

do you wanna retract, leb?
over 5 years

Wadanohara says

Also, Projectmatt, why are you so focused on me? You went from defending me to not, to asking about whether I'm town, to asking about whether I'm mafia. It almost makes me feel like you're trying to get a feel on seeing if you can shift the suspicion on me

i still think you're town. i was asking others about their read on you to gauge their thought process and see if their game-solving was genuine.
over 5 years
Well here’s my thing, two people have already asked for Miller claims, so I’m just gonna go and out myself. I wanted to wait til we got more solid reads but guess I really don’t have a choice, I’m Miller, thank u, please like comment and subscribe
over 5 years

january says

Also i hate to meta myself but anyone who's played with me can agree with this
I rarely ever AtE, so me getting annoyed is quite normal and NAI when someone keeps on tunneling me and every. single. thing. i. do. gets justified into a tunnel sr
So it's a bit much to say my AtE is scumtelling here

I stopped caring about ate after having mafia constantly do that to me, especially in forum games
over 5 years
Lmao, trying to say im mafia now?
over 5 years

take says

mac wanna be my waifu

only if u answer my question :3c

why do u HMMMMMM wadanohara?
over 5 years
shit isn't censored lol
over 5 years
i feel like me explaining what you should townread me for is worse than reading it yourself because now it seems forced
so i feel like either way i chose to respond to this

Wadanohara says

you're requiring others to do the searching, whether than telling others how you've towntold... Hmm...

would have been scumread by her.
when i decided not to explain it, i was scumread
if i had decided to explain it, i'm pretty sure you would have called me forced for trying too hard or some shit

i feel like you're literally setting me up for failure if you're gonna fos everything i say or do
over 5 years
Also i hate to meta myself but anyone who's played with me can agree with this
I rarely ever AtE, so me getting annoyed is quite normal and NAI when someone keeps on tunneling me and every. single. thing. i. do. gets justified into a tunnel sr
So it's a bit much to say my AtE is scumtelling here
over 5 years
here u go

january says (the long post)

Wada frames this as "she wouldn't be this responsive to a fos if they were town"
I felt that I wasn't explaining myself well enough and people were reacting based on an incorrect understanding of my argument
so i decided to clarify it and explain what i was trying to say. i did not spend that much time posting just to attack Wada's reads, it was me explaining what i meant by calling her reads bad before

january says

ok i literally explained this before, but just the fact that someone agrees with my read doesn't necessarily mean i agree with WHY they read it that way

i think the reasoning behind the read is a lot more telling than the actual read

january says

i responded to your fos because i wanted to start a dialogue about it. i clearly didn't agree with your fos on me and i explained why i thought it was baseless

i'm fine with people scumreading me if their read makes sense so go reread my long post to see why i think your read doesn't make sense

over 5 years
it would be fun but i'm town so no

also i am a strong town member and everyone should acknowledge my town allegiance

mac wanna be my waifu
over 5 years
wouldnt it be funny if i townpacted with all 3 mafia :weary:
over 5 years
over 5 years
so apparently i have to walk u guys through my towntells so i'm working on that right now
over 5 years
love u why do u HMMMMMM wadanohara
over 5 years
steelixmega is bored town, again
leb is g00d bus fixer

me pepega
over 5 years
shady i think ur tossing some irrelevant info, that's it

everyone could've readed the master doc and remembered the roles

well some of the people playing now weren't in last game but M E H

i mean we can speculate around the roles but i assume they are either extremely different or extremely the same

also wadanohara is a big HMMMMMMMM to me

mac townpact luv u
over 5 years

shady says

Wadanohara vs. january are leveling off paragraph long accusations at each other right off the bat which is kind of wild but also seems town v town

shady says

january how can you get mad at being fosed for having weak reads and then turn around and fos someone for having weak reads

january says

forgive me if i seem overly defensive here but his scumread on me is awkward and hypocritical

yes i had weak reads, but saying im your strongest scumread for having weak reads and then giving out weak reads in the same post is wild

it could be tvt

and rn i dont see Wadanohara and january as partners. just throwing this out there. what mafia team goes through such length arguing over the same read but for different reasons xd
over 5 years

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

maf do us a favor and take the shot
over 5 years
Your post must be less than 2000 characters!

since dex is being considered the same way i am... id like to see some more solid reads and some lengthier posts from him. his earlier posts read as sincere but later on he makes reads without reasoning.

im not used to forum mafia at all so im going to forget a lot of things that people said and i have to rr a lot. i only have 3 braincells so i cant remember anything so i apologize in advance for my slow posting.

that being said, i have to look at everything january said again. if she is mafia i think it could be true she could include dex in her earlier tr, but i dont think it was fair to have a strong read when he doesnt have posts with sustenance.
over 5 years

NCRAW says

there is one mafia in jan and mac.
- leaning more jan is maf. I agree with pjm's thing on them trying to get towncred for outing a townread.

Wadanohara says

But, do you think them being partners is likely? Do you think mafia would right away townread their partner? Right away, Jan announced a townread on Dex and Mac, so do you think there is a possibility they included one of their partners in there?

I'm now kinda uncertain, because I thought perhaps Jan was trying to out that for towncred, like Matt said, but thinking more, I'm now wondering if my townread on Mac really is wrong, and Jan is using that to their advantage to try to pin my read on Mac as false and make herself appear better. This seems weird, but I've seen people do that in games before, and that might be why Jan is so adamant about focusing on it.

Wadanohara says

And there's also the fact Mac has not interacted with Jan at all, other than for the townpact.

this is a weird process to me LOL

a few people tr me and i feel for mafia that its easy to sheep a tr and fly utr than start with a bold fos

considering i havent interacted with most people id say its a reach to fos me because of january maybe having a fake read, and then partner us together lmfao. its understandable if january is mafia to sheep ur reads but it doesnt necessarily make me mafia aswell.

projectmatt says

i missed my opportunity to be in the townpact, but it's OK because at least one of the people in the townpact are mafia

going back, this is a fair assumption and i would never really believe everyone in this group is town lol. townpact is for memes and allows me to focus on people outside of that, and how they interact with our pact.
over 5 years

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang