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Forum Mafia T : Bloody Olympics

almost 6 years

Hello lads,

The forum mafia IV will be hosted next month, in the meantime I have a fun setup i would like to host.

The game will be different than the forum mafias for two reasons :

  • This is not an informed minority (maf) vs uninformed majority (town) game. This game will pit two teams of 6 people against each other, with 1 president and 5 pr each, with a third party player, for a total of 13.
  • This is an Open Setup, meaning every role in play (except the third party) will be known from the start.

The game will be focused much less on mechanics and more on reads (associative reads, as people don't know their partners, they only know their president), so this game will require participation and posting from all players.

As soon as we reach 13 confirmed players the roles will be sent out and the game will begin on the following day.

Day 1 will last 96 hours, other days will last 72. Nights will be as quick as people input their actions, there is no private chat. Daystart of course.

If you're interested to participate or to sub, please comment below!

Setup info :

Roles and green abilities : Password : doge

Game Log

  • P2 Game Start
  • P31 End D1 (NL) / Start D2
  • P36 End D2 (Veg) / P37 Start D3
  • Endgame


almost 6 years
I don't think anyone is gonna switch their vote, we might as well get this over with X)
almost 6 years
gogogo vote don't prolong this
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
2 more votes to go!
almost 6 years

Tember says

Fine I'm thrid party and I can't be killed day one, lul. Please stop lynching me T.T

I'll keep my wincon secret for now, just know that it's not "make the game last as long as possible."


vote tember
almost 6 years
Let's just vote tember quick
almost 6 years
Still miss alcohol pretty bad TBH
almost 6 years

take says

im really drunk and my ex hates me what a day


almost 6 years
I had a very long day. Back in Seattle. Please cut me some slack. Jesus
almost 6 years
im really drunk and my ex hates me what a day

almost 6 years
Fine I'm thrid party and I can't be killed day one, lul. Please stop lynching me T.T

I'll keep my wincon secret for now, just know that it's not "make the game last as long as possible."
almost 6 years

mssbooklover says

hello folks i have graced u all with my presence

almost 6 years
hello folks i have graced u all with my presence
almost 6 years
Let's get the bw going
almost 6 years
@shady town crier or just crier this time
almost 6 years
A voice cries out
almost 6 years
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, send Tember to the Gallows!
almost 6 years
Yeah just vote him again
almost 6 years

take says

hey we votin tember again?

almost 6 years
hey we votin tember again?
almost 6 years
I'd been thinking about the possible abilities, maybe it includes a one-shot unlynchable and one-shot blood night.

However with these abilities I can't relate to what their win condition is.
almost 6 years
Maybe his assignment is to get both half brothers killed
almost 6 years

January says

but i want him to get a chance to say something at least, just don't feel comfortable blitzing on someone without giving them a chance

wow this level of self-restraint is truly sickening!
almost 6 years

january says

LesbianPirate says

i'm pushing hard for lynching the 3rd party because tember even lied and tried to cover up the fact they're third party by playing dumb. it's suspicious.


but i want him to get a chance to say something at least, just don't feel comfortable blitzing on someone without giving them a chance

i agree which is exactly why i haven't voted yet. waiting for tember to explain themselves
almost 6 years

LesbianPirate says

i'm pushing hard for lynching the 3rd party because tember even lied and tried to cover up the fact they're third party by playing dumb. it's suspicious.


but i want him to get a chance to say something at least, just don't feel comfortable blitzing on someone without giving them a chance