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Forum Mafia T : Bloody Olympics

almost 6 years

Hello lads,

The forum mafia IV will be hosted next month, in the meantime I have a fun setup i would like to host.

The game will be different than the forum mafias for two reasons :

  • This is not an informed minority (maf) vs uninformed majority (town) game. This game will pit two teams of 6 people against each other, with 1 president and 5 pr each, with a third party player, for a total of 13.
  • This is an Open Setup, meaning every role in play (except the third party) will be known from the start.

The game will be focused much less on mechanics and more on reads (associative reads, as people don't know their partners, they only know their president), so this game will require participation and posting from all players.

As soon as we reach 13 confirmed players the roles will be sent out and the game will begin on the following day.

Day 1 will last 96 hours, other days will last 72. Nights will be as quick as people input their actions, there is no private chat. Daystart of course.

If you're interested to participate or to sub, please comment below!

Setup info :

Roles and green abilities : Password : doge

Game Log

  • P2 Game Start
  • P31 End D1 (NL) / Start D2
  • P36 End D2 (Veg) / P37 Start D3
  • Endgame


almost 6 years

Thundurus says

Hosting that over discord would be fun

I remember when croned did that.
almost 6 years

Thundurus says

SteelixMega says

Thundurus says

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

This doesnt mean anything, it doesnt give me a read on you at all

Thundurus says

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

This doesnt mean anything, it doesnt give me a read on you at all

:) it indicates I am not a mafia I am just an Italian Spaghetti Man

There isn't mafia in this game?

that's the joke
deletedalmost 6 years
Hosting that over discord would be fun
almost 6 years

Thundurus says

This is why I said not to claim

and who says I am not trying to wifom?

I could call you my president and all the blues would vote for you instead of me. Save my own ar$e
deletedalmost 6 years
Its very similar to Two Rooms and a boom which I think is a good game honestly
deletedalmost 6 years

SteelixMega says

Thundurus says

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

This doesnt mean anything, it doesnt give me a read on you at all

Thundurus says

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

This doesnt mean anything, it doesnt give me a read on you at all

:) it indicates I am not a mafia I am just an Italian Spaghetti Man

There isn't mafia in this game?
almost 6 years

Thundurus says

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

This doesnt mean anything, it doesnt give me a read on you at all

Thundurus says

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

This doesnt mean anything, it doesnt give me a read on you at all

:) it indicates I am not a mafia I am just an Italian Spaghetti Man
deletedalmost 6 years
Torreador I have some people who Im sure would be willing to sub if you want me to ask them, Because Im sure we are going to have several ISP players
deletedalmost 6 years

SteelixMega says

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

This doesnt mean anything, it doesnt give me a read on you at all
deletedalmost 6 years
I understand youve posted, but I mean posting meaningful thoughts and responding to what others have posted
deletedalmost 6 years
This is why I said not to claim
deletedalmost 6 years
The Issue is straight up this makes the the thrid party role the kingmaker, because every red is gonna vote Steelix and every blue is gonna vote LP
almost 6 years

SteelixMega says

Still a member of the Spaghetti-Os Fat Tony Gang

almost 6 years
Also straight outing with it: I am the red half brother. All reds should vote out my half-brother LesbianPirate. (Easy alignment check, right?)

vote LesbianPirate
almost 6 years

Thundurus says

I see a lot of people who are visiting the thread but yet dont post anything what is the point of that..

Cough Cough - January, SteelixMega, Ozil

I have posted.
deletedalmost 6 years
I think its ironic that torr felt the need to say that the president role is harder then standard town because I actually think its the exact opposite
deletedalmost 6 years
I see a lot of people who are visiting the thread but yet dont post anything what is the point of that..

Cough Cough - January, SteelixMega, Ozil
deletedalmost 6 years
Ill unvote when you answer my question satisfactorily
deletedalmost 6 years
Also FTR this is the level of participation I would like to see, they say you should lead by example

Some of my post may be just shit posts, but they give out hella reads
deletedalmost 6 years
Unvote Ozil

Vote January
deletedalmost 6 years
January give me on benefit of NL-ing?
deletedalmost 6 years
Also if anyone role claims I will vote them instantly

The only people if any that should claim are half brothers but even that isnt good
deletedalmost 6 years
I think that would've been fascinating
deletedalmost 6 years
I think this game wouldve been better, if we didnt know who the president of our team was at the start @ Torreador
deletedalmost 6 years

january says

honestly nling isn't even that bad

also this game isn't really about scumhunting so bad lines are just bad lines there is no alignment indication

This game is more about scumhunting then any other game because there are so few mechanics