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over 5 years

So I'm old as hell on the internet and my internet days go way back to a time period which I remember taking out all my angers and frustrations on the internet. I was punished for things I'v never done and treated like garbage. Recently in New Zealand there was a shooting at a Mosque which received global attention and now Australia is under the heat a bit, yet strangely the Australian politicians have lately been so separated from reality that they've openly made non-dog whistle statements against Islam and the behavior they have is emanating on a social level inside their country.

When Sandy Hook occurred and the shcool was shot up, I remember people saying on the internet that it was fake.

When Amanda Todd drank bleach and killed herself, I remember people saying "am I Amanda Todd yet?" and pretending to drink bleach in a picture of themselves.

When anything horrific happens, people make jokes about it and it seems funny, yet for some reason after the Mosque shooting, the Australian government saw this as an attack more so against white people than Arabian Semites (which is the actual race stereotyped to be Muslim when they're also Zoroastrian). The argument being said by these people are that caucasians aren't violent ever and never do anything wrong ever and somehow that's not outright white supremacy because if it was, then that would be "abnormal".

I'v always wondered while I was joking around as a child, making fun of school shootings and international catastrophe, why people have been called a terrorist for what they say. I still fail to see the reason why people actually believe that the "Muslim Terrorist" is a thing completely "Muslim" related, when the world trade center fell and there was Muslims, Jews, and Christians both inside the world trade center. When people made jokes about it, who were they joking about really when they showed videos of batman flying into the two towers and things like that? People say ISIS is Muslim as though it's exclusive to Arabian Semites, yet there are caucasians from Europe that make up a huge chunk of the Islamic Terrorist that you see online.

There is so much hostility and defensiveness from the community of people who identify as caucasian when a terrorist attack occurs that involves a caucasian, to the point which they will actually begin to defend the terrorist who wasn't even trying to represent them just because they're caucasian. I use to think society was just being hostile toward caucasians too much, but now I see that this terrorism happens because caucasians really do have too much freedom to do what they want. If a white kid wanted, they could probably build a miniature nuclear power plant in their back yard without going to prison for it while Iranians try to build a nuclear power plant in their own country and get bombed by Israel for it despite nuclear bombs being used as peace keeping weapons.

Nobody has to die ever for any reason, not even racial supremacy. This is pure narcissistic nepotism and only by a very tiny group of people who are trying to make the larger group of a race look bad just like ISIS in the middle east who isn't even pure Arabian Semite. The royal descendants of the Sultans and Caliphates of old are in the first world countries these days. Who are these people trying to make a name for themselves by killing others? I started trying to have a serious conversation about ISIS or the New Zealand shooter with anybody and just jokes, nobody is serious.

This is when it hit me. These people I'm talking to that I use to consider myself one of because we would joke about things as kids that others would be afraid of, actually are like terrorist because even though what they're doing is free speech, its actually speech that radicalizes people. Even Lucid has now outright banned hate speech because it's being used by terrorist so much. Even if these are just children and not terrorist, they're making channels for this kind of thing and are probably going to be seen by their own misfortunes, as terrorist themselves one day.

So here is my ultimatum. I'm giving up trolling on reddit and other websites. Trolling although harmless fun, is obviously not harmless. Let's be honest here for a second with ourselves. We don't need hate speech to have a free society. Some people care about money, prestige, and other things of that nature, but, think about the kind of person who says they care about their race. Nobody in my race I'v met has ever cared for anything other than self improvement. You can't practical self improve your own race by focusing on your own race, because this is what comes from that. Radicalism. Thank you for hearing me out. Peace.

over 5 years
LP, I commend you for being open-minded enough to have this revelation. This is what internet responsibility should be.
over 5 years
over 5 years

nightmarePhantom says

how are you doing mate?

I'm doing good. Just same as always. Up to shenanigans like always. Noticed people playing connect 4 so I'm minmaxing the game to people off by becoming unbeatable through my own method of self training.

I'm also trying to make shift a hypothesis for an anomaly I recently observed in social psychology through the use of complexity theory. If you'd like to hear about it just pm me
over 5 years
how are you doing mate?