over 5 years


  1. Post how you think the pair cheated
  2. It is given that there was indeed absolutely no comminication after the forms were given out
  3. Winner gets a sticker of your choosing
  4. A hint is given out at the end of Day 3 and 6.
  5. If nobody guesses correctly by the countdown ends, nobody gets a price.
  6. One post per hour per person.


As we all know, lately the "Forum Games" section has been dominated by Aquarius. In this game, you are Aquarius.

In a recent game, you had people sign up in pairs to see how much they know each other, and they were all given a week's time to familiarize themselves with each other before the multiple choice quiz on the Game Day.

Here's what happened on the Game Day.

Both "Player As" and "Player Bs" were simultaneously given a form containing multiple choices, where Player A is asked to answer honestly. On the other hand, Player B is asked to guess what answers Player A would put in. There were no communication allowed between the pairs once the forms were given out. The answers were scrambled differently on forms as shown below in the information section.

However, as you were about to present the winning pair the prize (sponsored by Denial) for scoring a staggering 100% sync rate, Sammie calls your emergency phone line and told you that they had somehow been cheating.

Now it's your job, Aquarius, to find out how they cheated before Denial stops sponsoring your community games forever. You have gathered some information as shown below.



You (January) found a pattern in the first 10 questions. To test this theory, you gave both Player A and B both another pop quiz with no time for them to code in any way beforehand. This time their answers, using January's alphabetical method was exactly the same as well. But how did they set up a code with no prior notice?

The pair's application:

well like to join this game 4 the m0neyzz denial is givin out hehe (:

Player A's Form

Q1. What superhero would you be if you were presented the following choices?

A. Superman

B. Batman

C. Flash

Answer: B

Q2. If you were caught for committing a crime below, what would it be?

A. Fraud

B. Human-trafficking

C. Murder

Answer: B

Q3. Which of the following is your favourite EpicMafia mini-game?

A. Tetris Ripoff

B. Bomberman Ripoff

C. Scrabble Ripoff

Answer: A

Q4. What's your favourite hobby?

A. Hiking

B. Badminton

C. Soccer

Answer: C

Q5. What kind of pet do you prefer?

A. Cats

B. Dogs

C. Hamsters

Answer: A

Q6. Who was the best sandbox owner out of the three?

A. Alyssa

B. Shwartz99

C. dooze

Answer: A

Q7. What genre of books do you like the most?

A. Biology

B. Science Fiction

C. Thriller

Answer: C

Q8. Which EpicMafia rule would you delete if you could?

A. Trolling

B. Cheating

C. Game Related Suicide

Answer: A

Q9. Who's your favourite perma-banned user?


B. RedNose

C. Luke

Answer: C

Q10. Left hand, right hand or toes?

A. Left hand

B. Toes

C. Right hand

Answer: B

Player B's Form

Q1. What superhero would you be if you were presented the following choices?

A. Flash

B. Superman

C. Batman

Answer: C

Q2. If you were caught for committing a crime below, what would it be?

A. Murder

B. Human-trafficking

C. Fraud

Answer: B

Q3. Which of the following is your favourite EpicMafia mini-game?

A. Tetris Ripoff

B. Bomberman Ripoff

C. Scrabble Ripoff

Answer: A

Q4. What's your favourite hobby?

A. Soccer

B. Hiking

C. Badminton

Answer: A

Q5. What kind of pet do you prefer?

A. Cats

B. Hamsters

C. Dogs

Answer: A

Q6. Who was the best sandbox owner out of the three?

A. Shwartz99

B. Alyssa

C. dooze

Answer: B

Q7. What genre of books do you like the most?

A. Science Fiction

B. Thriller

C. Biology

Answer: B

Q8. Which EpicMafia rule would you delete if you could?

A. Cheating

B. Game Related Suicide

C. Trolling

Answer: C

Q9. Who's your favourite perma-banned user?

A. RedNose


C. Luke

Answer: C

Q10. Left hand, right hand or toes?

A. Left hand

B. Right Hand

C. Toes

Answer: C

over 5 years
meh, it was necessarily linked to the alphabetical order since it didnt matter whether the answers were flipped around

and then it's just try to guess rules, but the answer was a tiny bit too arcane. thx aquarius!
over 5 years
Well, it's like solving a based-X paragraph with more layers
over 5 years
and how were we supposed to infer that answer as opposed to anything else?
over 5 years
After lining up the answers in alphabetical order based on the word

If first choice is 7 letters or longer, 3rd
If first choice is not 7 letters or longer and odd number, 2nd
if shorter... even... 1st

So say,

A. Flash

B. Superman

C. Batman

In alphabetical order would be Batman -> Flash -> Superman

Batman is shorter than 7 letters and even, and therefore it is the "answer"

Answer: C
over 5 years
sooo...what was the answer? :doge:
over 5 years
Can we see the theory tested questions? (The pop quiz from te breakthrough)
over 5 years
I see.
Mmm, I would like the doctor one.
over 5 years

Nidi says


But ANYWAY what sticker would you like miss
over 5 years
Whoops I forgot to maintain this thread - What I had in mind was that A was a vowel so it wouldn't work.

After lining them up in alphabetical order
If first choice is 7 letters or longer, 3rd
If first choice is not 7 letters or longer and odd number, 2nd
if shorter... even... 1st
over 5 years
over 5 years
Voice chat? If the two sheets are different have the guesser ask the question first and then have the giver quickly write down shorthand of the answers they give as they go down the list.
over 5 years

muki says

plot twist: this whole thing is a test to try to find new role mods

Nidi says

Put answer choices in alphabetical order.
» Answer "B" if its first vowel is: u
» Answer "C" if its first vowel is: e/i/o
» Otherwise, answer "A"

more people should join in, Nidi was already at the top of my potential role mod list
over 5 years

Possess says

Q9. Who's your favourite perma-banned user?

A. RedNose


C. Luke

Answer: C

Alphabetical order:
B. Luke
C. RedNose

Nidi says

» Answer "B" if its first vowel is: u

The answer is B, "Luke"; I don't see what is off since the "u" first vowel check on B goes before the "e/i/o" check on C.
over 5 years

Nidi says

Put answer choices in alphabetical order.
» Answer "B" if its first vowel is: u
» Answer "C" if its first vowel is: e/i/o
» Otherwise, answer "A"

You're convinced that you have found out how they cheated and had your hand on your phone, ready to call Sammie. You have found a significant pattern! As you read the questions again to confirm one last time, you noticed something off;

Q9. Who's your favourite perma-banned user?

A. RedNose


C. Luke

Answer: C
over 5 years
Put answer choices in alphabetical order.
» Answer "B" if its first vowel is: u
» Answer "C" if its first vowel is: e/i/o
» Otherwise, answer "A"
over 5 years
plot twist: this whole thing is a test to try to find new role mods
over 5 years
thank you denial i am honored to receive this prize
over 5 years

Ghost13 says


you win!! the real prize is getting banned for cheating
over 5 years
gg january wins
over 5 years
over 5 years

Ghost13 says

they just keep the same code...

over 5 years
they just keep the same code...
over 5 years

Ghost13 says

put answer choices in alphabetical order and follow predetermined order 1(1st answer alphabetically), 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3

**Insert Breakthrough animation here**

You (January) found a pattern in the first 10 questions. To test this theory, you gave both Player A and B both another pop quiz with no time for them to code in any way beforehand. This time their answers, using January's alphabetical method was exactly the same as well. But how did they set up a code with no prior notice?
over 5 years

denial says

Ghost13 says

put answer choices in alphabetical order and follow predetermined order 1(1st answer alphabetically), 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3

the answers are scrambled

what you see is how player a's form looked and how they answered, and then how player b saw the answers and then answered

so for example, for the first question player a answered batman which was answer b, but when player b got it, their batman answer was actually answer c

yes that's why you put it in alphabetical order by answer so for question 1, both of them have Batman -> Flash -> Superman so it basically unscrambles
over 5 years

Ghost13 says

put answer choices in alphabetical order and follow predetermined order 1(1st answer alphabetically), 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3

the answers are scrambled

what you see is how player a's form looked and how they answered, and then how player b saw the answers and then answered

so for example, for the first question player a answered batman which was answer b, but when player b got it, their batman answer was actually answer c

edit: oh nm I see what you're saying