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Hidden Ranking Thread II

almost 6 years

Post to be ranked by a hidden criteria. First person to guess it gets two pats on the back.

over 5 years

luis4rod says

What is it lol

ranking criteria:

first comment you post in this thread, alphabetized

that's all folks see you next time
over 5 years
the amount of disrespect that i didnt get added
over 5 years
What is it lol
almost 6 years

Justin says

most likely to have an anime icon idk!

nah it's something objective
almost 6 years
most likely to have an anime icon idk!
almost 6 years
updated again
my victory draws near : )
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
is this elo
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
When I get 30 people on the sidebar.
Or next week. :D
almost 6 years
when will u release what it actually is
almost 6 years
jk try again
almost 6 years

MisterPresident says

It it who objectively is the sexiest person

you got me
almost 6 years
It it who objectively is the sexiest person
almost 6 years

luis4rod says

Are the same colors one group? Aka green is 1 all maroons are 2 in the ranking or does the place of each individual user matter (aka does it matter muki is higher than coolkid)

the places matter
each color is one "group" within the ranking
almost 6 years
Are the same colors one group? Aka green is 1 all maroons are 2 in the ranking or does the place of each individual user matter (aka does it matter muki is higher than coolkid)
almost 6 years

SinB says

do the colors mean anything?

now they do
almost 6 years

VeggieLord says

is this presumed age and/or actual age listed in profile

also no
almost 6 years
do the colors mean anything?
almost 6 years

Bannanaxd says


Ow lord, are you sure you know the alphabet?