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over 5 years

u know what it is

i wont be hurtful but i will be honest

paragraph/ranking/both (if not specified ill decide for u)

over 5 years
rank me but instead of me it's your favorite snack food in my place
deletedover 5 years
I guess I’m not , oh well
over 5 years
Id hope I would be worthy
over 5 years

Blister says

can i be last place

that is reserved for the MvP
over 5 years
can i be last place
over 5 years
2 more ranking spots for whoever i feel is worthy enough...
over 5 years
i'd like whatever you're willing to give (I prob got skipped for not being specific sry)
over 5 years
Exactly one pls.
over 5 years
another one please!
over 5 years

tzin says

both pls

tzin baby ur an actual goddess like i didnt know someone on this site could be as beautiful and sweet as u are!! whenever we talk u come into the vc being sarcastic as hell it cracks me up like after i put ur ranking on here u joined and went "SWEET BUT PSYCHO? HOW AM I PSYCHO????" me and medha were cracking up when u rage quit lmaooo but besides that i think the cutest moment we had was when u fed me carrots, i almost fell in love with u right there.. u radiate bad energy like im lowkey intimidated of u cause i feel like u could pop off at ANY second and if u ever yelled at me id probably cry.. it was so cute when u were playing comp for the first time cus u had no clue what was going on and everyone was trying to explain but eventually u were just like f*ck this shit im out LMAO and when u were pointfarming all those 2-player setups u genuinely didnt know that it wasnt allowed so u got upset over that stupid note loool but ur drawings are seriously out of this world u will do them in like 5 seconds and they all come out looking like masterpieces somehow?? anyways i think ur gorgeous and i always have a fun time talking to u :)
over 5 years

Citadel says

If I hear the word "bully" I'm locking this thread, k thanks :)

just gonna start this off by saying ur a bully... im mostly kidding i mean sometimes u make fun of me and stuff but i know ur always joking :) since u joined em i always heard talk about u and since we never talked i never got the hype tbh.. but recently we have been chatting and ur honestly one of my new favorite people on here!!! im glad we got together in servers so i could see how fun of a person u are!! ur literally a psychopath in vc but its hilarious and i feel like we always have banter so its usually a good time! i like how u always speak ur mind on things even if it might not be the popular opinion among the group. its so cute when u get all upset that we dont invite u to play with us but usually its just an unplanned thing and we dont even think of inviting people!!!! i am never trying to exclude u, i think ur so much fun when u play dst with us.. and u call me meggy so that always makes me smile cus u got it out of nowhere and it just stuck somehow lol. i really do think ur a nice person, lets hope being on em doesnt change that!!!!
over 5 years

meg says

Ozil says

all 3 thanks

OZIL u are always very sweet and approachable whenever were in a game together! medha was helping me while i was doing the rankings and she had nothing but amazing things to say about u and wanted to be mentioned in this so HERE U GO HUNNY i always hear great things about u so i can tell ur a really nice person to everyone on the site. im glad theres still people like that wtf!??? u messaged me a while ago saying u were my new best friend and now whenever i see u im like oh thats my best friend..... ur always fun to play with in games and u constantly try hard to carry town but im trying to make these opinions non-epicmafia skill related. i wish we talked more so i would have more/better things to say about u but for now this is IT

Love u both
deletedover 5 years
hii, do me pls
over 5 years

meg says

Citadel says

meg says

whenever u come on everyone just freaks out.. especially cita....



Okay, first off, i've never in my life said "bro" so stop slandering me, OKAY? ty bye
over 5 years

Ozil says

all 3 thanks

OZIL u are always very sweet and approachable whenever were in a game together! medha was helping me while i was doing the rankings and she had nothing but amazing things to say about u and wanted to be mentioned in this so HERE U GO HUNNY i always hear great things about u so i can tell ur a really nice person to everyone on the site. im glad theres still people like that wtf!??? u messaged me a while ago saying u were my new best friend and now whenever i see u im like oh thats my best friend..... ur always fun to play with in games and u constantly try hard to carry town but im trying to make these opinions non-epicmafia skill related. i wish we talked more so i would have more/better things to say about u but for now this is IT
over 5 years

Citadel says

meg says

whenever u come on everyone just freaks out.. especially cita....


over 5 years

SHERK says


sherk.. top tier troll

u drew me my avi i used on butts for the longest time and i was obsessed with it cus it was SPECIFICALLY for me and kind of out of nowhere so i thought it was rly special. ur a super funny dude and i remember you being overly nice to me anytime we had an interaction. some people say u are a questionable guy in terms of opinions and just being kinda toxic but i havent seen any of that from you so my opinion will stand on you being a nice guy :) u are a typical chad in the sense of u have that frat boy mentality going based off the way u carry yourself and ur outlook on epic mafia in general. i hope u become more active within the community and maybe we can become better friends!!!!
over 5 years

meg says

whenever u come on everyone just freaks out.. especially cita....

over 5 years

MisterPresident says

i dont even know you

heres ur opinion. i dont know u and i dont remember if ive ever played with u (probably have though) but u put me as average on ur ranking so IM DOING THE SAME. kinda pissed me off cus u put me underneath some low tier players, i am pretty confident in myself & my abilities so i was butthurt ngl. i cant judge ur playstyle in games cus i just cant recall anything specific or memorable that you have done. either way youre probably a nice dude and all but i just have no opinion on u as of now, if that changes in the future i will update this paragraph:)
over 5 years
who is this
what banned user are you
over 5 years
i dont evn know u like at all
over 5 years

wilI says


will!!! we just recently became friends and i already feel like i can talk to u about anything. i remember when i first started playing comp i wanted to be ur friend so badly for some reason cus u just seemed like such a cool and fun person to talk to. u really do know how to hold a conversation even if u switch from topic to topic before i have the chance to write one word. ur always being nice to me and giving me suggestions on music or telling me that the music i link u sucks adsfklghubaisdf i love talking about em drama with u cause u always know the tea and update me on things i didnt know... playing comp with u is always a blast cus u usually sheep my reads or atleast try to see where i was coming from when i have a read on someone. u make me feel like u respect me as a comp player which feels good considering how pro u are... also u gave me a bunch of stickers for my birthday which was really sweet but also kind of crazy cus i wish u didnt spend so much money on that even when i told u not to???? i feel like sometimes u say some questionable things that might come off as ignorant but i dont think u ever mean anything in a malicious way. its ok to have opinions but sometimes they r hurtful :/ anyways i honestly hate playing dst with u cause ur all over the place and it gives me anxiety but everything else we play is fun!!! like how ur seriously so good at tetris idk why or how but it scares me tbh. its nice cus i feel like u already know me pretty well and u got such a high score on the quiz about me which makes me happy cus it means u actually listen to the things i say about myself :') u are so wild and extravagant sometimes but its really funny cus our convos are never boring together like we could talk for hours about absolutely nothing and u will find a way to make it interesting. i love the way u seem to actually care about my feelings and how invested u are in anything that i talk to u about. ur a great friend and im happy i met u
over 5 years

benny says


hi benny so i actually did really enjoy talking to you before, u always were making me laugh and sharing different music with me which was cool cus we kinda have the same taste and im always looking for new stuff to listen to. u and nicole are tied for my favorite accents im so intrigued by ur voice like i try to mimic u sometimes on vc and everyone makes fun of me loool but its always fun playing games with u and the guys cus whenever u come on everyone just freaks out.. especially cita.... u make comp lively cus u always are playing the game more of in a for-fun kind of way but still being competitive at the same time which is kinda how everyone should play, its a good balance of trying to win but still having a good time. like i said before i used to like our chats but u kind of betrayed my trust in a way i dont think we can come back from haha. maybe u were just looking out for someone else but either way i wish that situation went down differently. i dont hold anything against u cus everyone does stuff like that at some point or another but it did kind of hurt cus i thought we had a nice friendship going there for a bit. oh weelllllllll regardless ur a sweet boy who is pretty good at the game, so thats all that really matters
over 5 years

evolpz says


hi eric i might not have a whole lot to write but ill try to make it as long as the others :') i love joining the vc when ur on cus u always have something funny to say and never make things awkward between people like u know exactly how to break weird tension and get everyone friendly again. u post so many pictures of ur life and it seems like u have such a great group of friends that really care about u which im lowkey jealous of... we know a couple of the same irl people which is crazy to me cus idk how that is even possible. i think ur a really fun free spirit who just enjoys the good things in life without focusing too much on the bad. ur really easy to talk to and never make anyone feel uncomfortable or left out. i love playing games with u cus ur always yelling and freaking out about something lol. i like how carefree u are about em and just life in general bc u seem to not really care about what people think about u and dont try to kiss anyones a*s for the sake of being relevant. u play the game just to play the game instead of being in with the crowd or involved in any kind of circle jerks. ive known u for a while and i dont think i would be able to come up with anything bad to say about u since ur always just being yourself and staying out of drama. we love an unproblematic king!!! i feel like u would be a good competitor in comp if u ever tried to play some new setups and stopped sticking to just jfk cus that setup literally sucks...... u really are a sweet guy with a genuine heart :)
over 5 years
Whichever? We have played a few times together but we haven't really spoken much so sup to you :)