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The House Cup of Hogwarts

over 5 years

How does this game work?

Everyone will be placed in a household. There are 4 households: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

You will be sorted into your household by the sorting hat. ( I’ll put you by one of the 4 households, which traits suit you the most for that house ( will be in the comments ), the players who join last will be put in a household to make the members even so be first! ).

After that there will be challenges, they’ll be done in every house and every house has to vote for 1 person to do that challenge. ( See it as voting that player out ).

These will be different challenges like games in EM ( liars dice, chess, draw it, … ), games in the thread, …

The person with the most votes on him does the challenge and he does this challenge with the other chosen wizards/witches from the other houses to survive that challenge.

The challenge will always consist of 4 players and only 2 of those players will survive while the other 2 will be killed by Voldemort. Those 2 players will get a cloak of invincibility which makes them immune for the next voting phase.

When every household has 2 members, those 2 members will fight each other in a challenge and then the final round will be a battle between the last player of every household for the sticker.

Play strategically and survive!


the number has to be divided by 4 ( for example 20 = 5 players / household ) ( maximum 28 ) If you can’t continue to participate for 1 challenge -> let me know so I can get a replacement for you for that challenge.

If you need to quit then DM me / post it in the thread so that I can get you a replacement. That replacement will get the sticker if he/she wins and not you. Players from every lobby can join!!!


FAME AND GLORY TO THE HOUSE ( I don’t have enough prices xD ) The seer sticker to the last surviving player meaning that he is the strongest wizard/witch! ( If you didn’t play enough seer games then I’ll help you with those games )

over 5 years
over 5 years

hagrid says

wotcher 'arry! d'yeh have a minute teh discuss race realism?

over 5 years
for the purpose of this exercise let's assume that im playstation 1 hagrid
over 5 years
Lmao get ur shti together slytherin
over 5 years
Game is continued in the Hogwarts discord.
over 5 years
Put me back in the game or I will fukcing end you superspooky you can not dream to survive my ravenclaw intellect
over 5 years
The first was because I thought votes were good instead of bad and then I had to change again because of my secret alliance against Steve.
over 5 years

superspooky says

thecolonel says

Knock em out Steven

You didn't came online after you applied or said anything and meanwhile other ppl wanted to join...


I literally messaged you three times to vote
over 5 years

Blister says

thecolonel says

Knock em out Steven

lol did you get booted out already

lol you wish
over 5 years

thecolonel says

Knock em out Steven

You didn't came online after you applied or said anything and meanwhile other ppl wanted to join...

over 5 years

thecolonel says

Knock em out Steven

lol did you get booted out already
over 5 years
Knock em out Steven
over 5 years
The first challenge must first be done but I’ll let you guys prepare for the second challenge.

Since everyone is such a good student I’ll let you know the second challenge before you choose a player. I’ll let you prepare...
The second challenge is Dice Wars!!!

It’s a 4way battle between the chosen players
The 2 people who are out first lose.
Take a screenshot of when the last 2 players are alive and be honest of who won.

This is a perfect challenge to team up with another house to increase your chances of winning!

The first challenge must be done first before you can do this one so you can’t vote yet!

Also join the group discord for Hogwarts.
Hufflepuff needs to join!
over 5 years
All of you will vote for a prefect: The prefect is the leader of your household and you only have 1. The prefect his vote counts as 2 votes so choose wisely.

NOTE: You can't vote for yourself!
over 5 years
I am on phone now but I will make a generale server on discord for everyone.

Send me your username on discord if I don't have you yet!
over 5 years
The first challenge will be Liars Dice!


1 game
Spot on
Wild ones
4-way battle
The first 2 players that lose are eleminated while the other 2 win. ( So the second place also wins )

Send a screenshot of when the first and second place are alive.

When all 4 of you are online contact each other and play the game.

If someone isn't online for a very long time and the other 3 players are there then a household member can replace that person but if the replacement loses then the original player is eliminated and not the replacement.
over 5 years
over 5 years
The households have chosen their champion to represent them!

Benny winter



over 5 years
Just wanted to say; HufflePuffs are the bestest. Ok bai
over 5 years
pls clap
over 5 years
gryffindor is about to clap so hard
over 5 years
GOOO hufflepuffs
over 5 years
Same tbh

He's kinda very smelly
over 5 years
I vote out Matt.
over 5 years
You can't have any great evil wizards in your house if you don't have great wizards.