over 5 years

type here if you want to hear my opinion of you or u can type someone else's name and i will give my opinion of them

over 5 years

staypositivefriend says


you are easily one of the nicest users here, on a site filled with toxicity. you are honest and always willing to be nice to others, and i can tell that you do not tolerate hate on this site.

you are a great person to interact with, and i hope we get to talk and know each other more.
over 5 years

Ozil says


hi ozil!

i love talking with you on discord and we seem to have very similar thoughts when it comes to discussing soccer (or football where you live) and when we talk about things outside of epicmafia, we tend to talk about that. and it's great that we both cheered for (or more accurately, against) the same team and had similar thoughts when it came to that!
deletedover 5 years
over 5 years
over 5 years

KickinBananaz says

give me one, im nith btw


i dont know you that well but you seem nice and i hope i get to know you better in the future.
over 5 years

MisterPresident says

ok Milt

hi mp!

what i liked was that during the nba finals you were very excited about the raptors and cheered them on, even when they were losing and it was nearing the end. you seem to just want the warriors to lose cuz u dont like them? that's great cuz i cheered for the raptors too!

outside of that, you are nice to people and interacting with you on discord has been a very good experience, though we have not had a full conversation (at least not now).
over 5 years
give me one, im nith btw
over 5 years
ok Milt
over 5 years

ZzFifthElementzZ says

hi @milton1234


you are a very nice person and i enjoy talking with you. you seem to get along with a lot of people, and it's obvious that the people who dont get along with you are those who cant get along with anyone else either and are not perceived well on this site.
over 5 years

Blister says

i want one :'D


i enjoy the way we interact on discord. you are nice and willing to talk to me. maybe it's annoying to you that i ping you there with your avi but i stopped cuz u wanted me to.
over 5 years
hi @milton1234
over 5 years

GayLivesMatter says

its pride month be nice to me

gay lives do matter and there is no better time to express that than pride month!
over 5 years

alexandra says


hi alexandra!

first off, im used to calling you ally, and it's a bit hard to change so...

you were the first mod i reached out to way back when i was 1 week into this game. in the first few weeks i was in the discord server, our relationship was not the greatest, but now i understand why (if you had explained it to me at the moment it could've been resolved quicker, but it's ok)

since then, though, we have become close friends. i enjoy talking with you on discord and i like that you are someone who is not afraid to speak their mind and express themselves, and you have done many things for me which i appreciate a lot.

friendship is beautiful
over 5 years
i want one :'D
over 5 years
its pride month be nice to me
over 5 years