
part of  family

I live in the village, wherever I go I walk to. I keep my friends around so I have someone to talk to.

over 13 years
over 13 years
As much as you annoy me, you may not be that bad, and you're not a horrible player. Plus, I feel like I have to return the karma you gave me, so...+K for you.
over 13 years
returned it :P
over 13 years
"if i'm wrong negbomb me"
using karma to influence the vote is the ultimate towntell. and it works. But using karma to influence the vote is beneath contempt. I will now be negging you.
over 13 years
uhh why did you post on my wall before the game was over?
over 13 years
+k for being fun :D
over 13 years
+k seplo!
over 13 years
+k for maf win
over 13 years
ohhh boy. it was so obvious. anyways, +K from both my accounts.
over 13 years
+k, good game
over 13 years