
part of  family

What's up. Sim here. EM is awesome, but I'm really rusty and there's a lot of new things that I haven't yet seen or done yet.. does that make any sense? Anyway, that's why I don't have a lot of points. So yeah, I can be pretty chill, just drop a mail by or whatever..and remember, no matter how stupid you call me over chat, I do not give a shit.

about 9 years
holy crap, welcome back
over 9 years
hi where the heck have you been
almost 13 years
hey i would kutos u but i dont really no how and twokinds is like aadventure or 3(and more later on) main characters travaling for a purpose(ull have to read to find out) and there are three races(1 is not veary widley known[twokinds not threekinds]) and there is alot of racism in the races were humans are using the other race for slaves and it showes the conflict and lifestyle of all the tree races travaling together.
almost 13 years
returned k cause you're awesome :D
deletedalmost 13 years
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
+k to 6 return it
deletedalmost 13 years
+k'd, return? (:
deletedalmost 13 years
Good game earlier! Stupid town, lulz.
deletedalmost 13 years
almost 13 years
I have got rid of your -1 karma darling :)
almost 13 years
EYYYYYYYY GURLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedalmost 13 years
Can you nominate me for my first kudo? :D