
Not Canada
part of  family

No clue what any of this means, but....(Oh, and they're all copyrighted by me :)

Al teva Reijavik? ©

Erguiloos ©

A mova trimpool quasdevina ©

Gracikoulkoloa ©

Wordes ©

And don't listen to anyone who may say they copyrighted them first, they know I did :)




"Russian adopted the Britishes"


And lives in an igloo with the eskimos!!!

The four governments of the French Revolution:

  • Absolute Monarchy
  • Constitutional Monarchy
  • Democracy
  • Supreme Being(Not the Directory which Napoleon overthrew or anything : P)

"Alexander's got it on" ;D

(4:05:34 PM) Hanna: i care about the american dream

(4:05:35 PM) Hanna: im canadian

(4:05:40 PM) Hanna: we dont have dreams here


It is her goal in life to have one m&m of every color left.


In complete seriousness, she's my best friend, she's stuck with me through the ups and the downs, Even if she probably shouldn't have :P She's the best friend anyone could ask for :) I think I'd be lost without her, Although, for some odd reason she's a Shane hater :P



He's amazing <333 (Yea, I'm not going to make this entire thing grammatically correct, deal with it :P) I'm his color-blind copier

Red >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Purple (Note the many >'s compared to you :P)

Oh, and Hockey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soccer :) Seeing as Hockey is mentioned ten thousand times in Friends, and Soccer only once ;) But don't eat my dang sandwich, mkay? :P

And yes, you're a Computerized Alien Werewolf :P <3

And yes, 2+2 does = 5 Or maybe "2+2"... I should really do that again.. xD :P And I'm going to fail because of him :(

We still need to go to Clown College :P <3

And I told you I suffer from sleep cheating ): And yesh, it is better than dying, now that you finally realized it ;) But then again I'm one of the two people who are awake... Hmm

Poke Wars <333 :P

(1:22:17 AM) Hedgery: the only way I could see you pissing off a gang is by beating them in some trivia game :P lmao <33

v - e - n - t - r - i - l - o - q - u - i - s - t ;)



Lamez!!! AKA Para Bear Go fall down a well :P Ohai Kathy :D

Slacka lacka lacka lacka lacka, that's so much fun to say :P

(3:11:22 AM) Lamezzz: SWAG

Also, Juno is just okay :P

And your memory scares me.

You're also very Lame :P

(11:01:52 PM) Lamezzz: cause you thought

(11:01:54 PM) Lamezzz: you could escape

(11:01:56 PM) Lamezzz: the slack attack

So mean :(

(6:43:40 AM) Lamezzz: wing

(6:43:41 AM) Lamezzz: die


Carbonated Beverage!!!

He enjoys Chewing Ass and Kicking Gum (; lolol xD My BEMFF :D "I HAVE THE ATTENTION SPAN OF A GOLDF---" lol xD LRN2SPL He's a 60 year old hippie from Alabama, trufax. TUESDNESDAY

Make your own dang food :P





Robo the 'E' Downy!!! My failing buddy xD And YESHHH Pointless is freaking awesome, especially when it's US Presidential related ;)

Dem Emoticons

(cat) (drums) (duck)I-)

AND IT WON'T LET ME DO THE EVIL FACE FIRST :( But I remember you showing me what it looked like, and completely crashing my computer >:P

(12:36:54 AM) (RTE)Downy: I may sleep knowing that wing > hedger ;)









Vlad!!! You're a great friend :) Also, THIS IS LOVE <33333333 One of the best freaking songs ever :P

OKAY TIME TO ADD MORE STUFFS, oh yea, that's right, you don't like caps, but I'm too lazy to delete... so :P

Live the live you love! And something else BUT WHAT THE ohcaps again what the fark was that, I can't remember for the life of me

Here is the breakdown of your nameeeee

Ivana = Ivan because I can't type for sheep

Ivan = Ivan the Terrible because I'm a freak who loves history

Ivan the Terrible = Vlad the Impaler because, idk really like if I was playing word association, I'd say Vlad the Impaler if Ivan the Terrible was said to me or whatever, but yea, Ivan = Vlad

Vlad the Impaler = Vlad AND THAT is how you got your wonderful name that no matter what you make your name, cutie, princess, uhh... sugar? idk, anyway, you're stuck with that name for the rest of your life :P

VLADWYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY <3 or Vladwwhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Omgu!!! Dem Foul Mouthed Furbys!(: xD O_o And, yes, It is all your fault. Chances are, if I die because I say Liechtenstein, or Nyquist, he's awesome ;)

Yes Omgu, it's perfectly fine to be a happy individual.

"Staind is sh*t" <Trufax, he said it (;

So, apparently Zetterberg is a Dbag, and it's God's choice that he gets hurt so much xD

(3:41:03 AM) Omgu : nokia finnish, me finnish

(3:41:05 AM) Omgu : me likey

Life's so fucking pretty


Best. GIF. Ever.

If you got this far to the bottom of my endless Bio, you did not find the pot of Gold, sorry to break it to you :P


over 11 years
zombieland is like the second best movie ever
Does that put 300 third?
over 11 years
juno is the best movie ever
What about 300 or Zombieland?
over 11 years
Why are you so rude?
Because only you perceive it as such.
over 11 years
Are you okay Lincoln?


1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
about 12 years
This isn't about being first or last place
about 12 years
It's still going on.
deletedabout 12 years
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
about 12 years
why arent you on aim?
about 12 years
Yes I did, but all 3 of those girls that I sat with wanted to go, so they asked me if I could come and show them the way q:
about 12 years
BTW I know 3 laura's now, so it may get confussing
about 12 years
When we were sitting down, someone approached me because I had DLS spray painted on the back of my shirt. (that stands for French language teaching, in French hahaha). So Laura and her friend Megan sat down with us and we talked forever. Laura, Enya and I are all going to go to this French Immersion test we have to take, today at 10. Then we're going to meet up with Megan and go to the market/ buy groceries (they wanted to show me the way to the market, so why not haha)
about 12 years
Then Enya and I went to the Arts meeting place, the bat cave, and we did a bunch of cheers with our event leaders etc. Our rivalry faculty, Engineers, came over and then threw water balloons/ condoms at us. I got a water balloon to the side of my face. It hurt a lot lol. Then we proceeded to the concert, and we stood up for this really lame dub step guy. We then sat down for an even LAMER French singing group.
about 12 years
Next, Laura, Phil, and Enya all went upstairs to my room with me to just chill. Then Laura/Phil had to go give a tour to someone (they're from Cap city.) And Enya and I cut up our frosh t-shirts so then they looked really cool. Then we went to the other caf thinking it would be cheaper there. It wasn't. God I hate the food here. Well it's good but I don't think I can justify spending 12 dollars on a fajita and a juice.
about 12 years
So I was about to go downstairs (to do some laundry) and then Enya saw me and said she was going to go for coffee with a friend and asked me to come as well. So we went for coffee with her and her friend, but we didn't know where we were going and her friend had to leave to go to a frosh event. Then I saw my friend Laura that I met on FB, and we hugged and she brought her friend Phil along with her and all 4 of us went to get coffee.
about 12 years
I'll update you on my little frosh week thing. Gahh I need to get my body to wake up after 6 hours.... Anyways, so today was the concert event in the evening. I met with my friend Enya around 2 o clock, waving around my flatbread complaining it was 8 freaking dollars.. I don't know how people do meal plans. And then she said we should go to the concert together, so we did (but that is getting ahead of ourselves.
deletedabout 12 years
about 12 years
thanks ms.hedger
about 12 years
Trust me... I still have to get groceries and like 100x more hangers. LOL
about 12 years
It feels great :) I havent met my roomate yet, I have been out shopping all day... I think we spent close to 500 dollars on stuff........ I am so exhausted lol
about 12 years
TY :)
about 12 years
i pretty much just 'separated' from hunter right now... I am not talking to him until after bb because he frustrates me so much.
about 12 years
omg we found another one.... its so cute.
about 12 years
my brother just caught a stray kitten that almost got hit by a car and we're keeping it lol