
in love with 
part of  family

Alt of

My gender is neither male nor female, but since that's not an option, alternates weekly.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: rawr

Stranger: u male or female

You: female

Stranger: u horny

You: was that a question?

Stranger: yea'

You: try one of these next time ----> ?

Stranger: wat

Stranger: ohh this ?

Stranger: u horny?

You: better...but still not a complete sentance

Stranger: r u horny?

Stranger: R u horny?

You: so close and yet so far....r and u are not words

Stranger: are you horny?

You: almost there!

Stranger: wat eles

Stranger: Are your horny?

You: no

You have disconnected.

almost 14 years
respond t p what
almost 14 years
Oh wow, I remember playing with you a long time ago, on a different account. Nice to see that you're still semi-active, and judging by your score, kicking ass.
almost 14 years
Congratulations on your first loser trophy.
almost 14 years
I was told to say "hi!". BTW do you know anything about why I got negged 22 K during the night?? :O
almost 14 years
Good job with that trophy, Shaguar.
deletedalmost 14 years
Took your advice on amn's removal. Tell me what you think:
almost 14 years
"My fingers radiate sunshine and I water them with the tears of a jaguar."
deletedalmost 14 years
jesus ufail. You just had to go 4/5 and you're the best player still playing on the site. Silly Jaguar!
almost 14 years
What do you think of this setup?
almost 14 years
oh my god you came from nowhere and you are going to win gold =X
almost 14 years
I have an army of trolls out there today waiting to message me as soon as you come online. I am not joking.
almost 14 years
too bad I don't get the chance to troll you!
deletedalmost 14 years
>3rd place >dad I'm proud :*)
deletedalmost 14 years
negged, terrible player, lost autowin by refusing to claim. avoid at all costs!!!!!!!
deletedalmost 14 years
wow fourth place way to suck it up you dumb cat
almost 14 years
LMAO i like your logic.
almost 14 years
I + k'd you and it jumped from 253 to 258 LOL i won.
about 14 years
Start that rough draft for the fan fic and Email me it when you have a chapter or two. I'll edit and revise it, and then we can talk publication.
deletedabout 14 years
i meant just as friends. can u plz answer, very important to me. also inv plz.
deletedabout 14 years
q: do u like me y/n pls circle and place in desk 4 (andy's desk) -chesskid/andy p.s. do u want to come over to my house and play yugioh cards. y/n