

By day, I'm town. By night, I'm mafia.

agnocrat is my alt.

Friends (1)

about 13 years
kinda miss youuuuuuuu
deletedover 13 years
+k for 3rd vote thing.
over 13 years
2 karma, i can tell you are the better player.
over 13 years
lol point proven.
over 13 years
Okay I am still not done... Also if i was mafia in that situation why would i claim a no save? Is a mafia ever really stupid enough to say something soo stupid to make himself get lynched sooo easily. TELL ME when is the las time you have seen a mafia cc doc and claim a no save? Oh well idk about you but i have played quite a few games on this website and am aware of the fact that this has nevvvvvvvver happened to me, soooo?
So once again get better. =)
over 13 years
And as far as saying I saved no one that was me infuriated by the town being stupid so i stopped trying to win because i realized is was hopeless and said the scummiest thing i could to end the game quickly.

I did not honestly save no one.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd..... even if i did save no one people often do that in certain situation of MYLO to determine if the mafia may have no killed. But once again your mind is not open to alternate stratgies in mafia so you probably are not even aware of a no kill button as mafia.

LOL no disresepct though ;)
over 13 years
Okay let me break this down to you.
According to you, quoted by you in the game, you are saying i am mafia because i claimed doctor the day before the mafia did?
Now there is two reasons a doctor would do this as more advanced strategies but I often forget that in training lobby the level of intelligence functions at a much lower level than that of someone who is deemed as being smart. I am sorry that you may have a simple mind; maybe equivalent to that of a 7th grader. If that is the case maybe this is not the game for you.
over 13 years
negged 3 simply because you are not a good player.... sorry. get better
over 13 years
glad we didn't joint. +karma :D
over 13 years
thank you for yakking me and cat, +k<3
deletedover 13 years
2 karma.....