
part of  family

My Motto of the Week

Dinkleburg is always the best voodoo word. Always. -_-

+K me, and put a comment. I'll +K you back.

I'm 13, my birthday is on Decmber 22nd, and my favourite gameshow is Minute to Win It.

My Guise Test List...

Test 1- Ask me for a phrase. I will say a four-word sentence with a four-letter word as the third word.

Test 2- Ask me to tell you a number. I will say a number who's digits add up to a prime number.

Test 3- Ask me about my birthday. I will say the day BEFORE my actual birthday.

Test 4- Ask me about my favorite game show. I will say MTWI. (Letters)

Test 5- Ask me my name. I will refuse to tell you.

Mathgeek Disguisers and Rating-

Weenzz- 8/10

Best Games Ever!

Game 403343, Guiser WIN! (ProDetective , Go +K him)

Game 453257, Guiser WIN! (Synja, Go +K her)

Game 467491, Cult WIN! (My Victory with Rumbletoads, Go +K him)

Worst Games Ever!

Game 467158 (Fuck them all)

Game 488434 (How did the uncced jailer get killed in 3-way LYLo, where the claimed GS is mafia, and real GS died, and revealed? -_- GodofWar is a dumbass. -K him)

My Roles

Newborn- Role 1529 Woodworker- Role 1531 Officer- Role 1534 Mailsorter- Role 1536 Waiter- Role 1544 Nightmare- Role 1546 Idiot- Role 1551 Oversleeper- Role 1557 Ghost Talker- Role 1558 Constructor- Role 1561 Nightman- Role 1581 (Excuse the "Sniper" talk. I had to change the name 3 times, then got lazy, and forgot to change the text.) The God- Role 1591 Mental Patient- Role 1609 Apprentice- Role 1637 Dealer- Role 1668

over 13 years
ohai :)
deletedover 13 years
Haiii +K
over 13 years
+K me please you said no return but I can still return if you want.
over 13 years
K for K :) plussed.
deletedover 13 years
K+ for you!
over 13 years
+k returned
over 13 years
Haha, "popular", more like trolled to shit. XD I kill her every time i see her. It sucks.
<3 ya
over 13 years
+k for +k
over 13 years
over 13 years
+ked to 12
deletedover 13 years
Not sure if you saw, I plussed you a few games ago
over 13 years
over 13 years
Returned. :)
over 13 years
Oh okay love :) Thnx <3
over 13 years
Did u ever return? :)
deletedover 13 years
+K for good partner!
over 13 years
returned to +6 :)
over 13 years
+k, return kthx
over 13 years
+'d back
over 13 years
Nice try on the quiz, K+ for trying!