
Louisville, Ky
part of  family

It's great to be back. To all the haters: idgaf what you have to say about me. To all the friends: thank you for sticking by me when I needed you. This has been a long time coming.

I am easily agitated. I have too much logic which sometimes causes me to over-think things. I don't neg for stupid shit and I don't plus you if you beg me.

If I EVER sui or veg in a ranked game it's unintentional, but i would like to apologize in advanced.

When you neg me, tell me why. Doing it and not telling me why is ignorant. Grow up and grow some balls.

I miss Nanita

p.s. people are shady as hell

Epic Game:


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 10Scumhunter
5 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 10I'm Batman.
over 13 years
:O YOU'RE ALIVE! This is great news :D
over 13 years
>1 minute 15 seconds ago.

woahh... I checked your profile at the same time as fire? Creeepy
over 13 years
What Gatso said :(
over 13 years
over 13 years
but wryyy
over 13 years
over 13 years
u mad bb girl?
over 13 years
I'm starting to do good in competitive now :D
over 13 years
Konata :D
over 13 years
lol, I haven't been playing Competitive this time, the setup's suck this round. I might play the next round if there are good one's there. I've just been in training for the last week.
over 13 years
Come on, you wanted to have hammer, what reaction did you want? I gave you both scums. You had like 15 minutes to vote, and you are saying you were bullshiting arround, I don't think so.
over 13 years
I can't believe, I am shocked. Doc was unCCed, Im interested what were you thinking there? WHAT THE FUCK BRI!
over 13 years
+K for that awesome game in 3 way lylo which you won :P
over 13 years
hey, you online right now, I feel like playing a competitive match
over 13 years
cool, let's go now
almost 14 years
You have now received an adoption request to join a family, would you care to join this family?
almost 14 years
haha im scared to do it :S
almost 14 years
How about "Unicorn Family" I know, I do come up with the most original names
almost 14 years
I figured out how to make family now and add you :D Now for a name....
almost 14 years
returned, thanks :)