

Hello! I'm Crystal. What a surprise. I am in fact a girl. Another surprise.

I was addicted to EM 2 years ago, now I'm back when I'm bored. Except for this summer, where I've gotten pretty much re-addicted. Oh well. Sometimes I'll reminisce about the good old days of EM with negs and supertrolls.

You'll probably get along with me. I'm fun. I'm kind of unpredictable. So watch your back. Also, listen to me. I normally know what I'm talking about.

This game happened: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/2011851/review


deletedover 11 years
It never worked out with us because I'm gay.
Totally not surprised.
anonymousalmost 12 years
http://tinyurl.com/ptpglby Better?
Better, but still awful.
anonymousalmost 12 years
Absolutely not.
almost 12 years
YAY :)
deletedalmost 12 years
u gay.
no, but you are.


20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
15 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 10Scumhunter
2 / 20Clint Eastwood
over 10 years
You probably don't remember me but I remember I played my first ever ranked games with you and we would win bc I would pretend I didn't know you as we were maf partners lol js I GOT INTO MICHIGANNN
over 11 years
I had figured that's why you did that. :p
deletedover 11 years
deletedalmost 12 years
+k returned for Go blue also <3
almost 12 years
thankss <3 +k'd you cos you should've won if it wasnt for retard guvna lol
almost 12 years
+K for your amazing family name, and also for your presentation text ;)
almost 12 years
Yeah, we really dodged a bullet there.
deletedalmost 12 years
deletedalmost 13 years
Only losers have Michigan avatars. I bet you don't even go there and stuff.
almost 13 years
returned =] thanks!
almost 13 years
I'm not on nearly as much as I once use to be, but I'd like to play with you again so I can make fun of your stupid football team lawl
about 13 years
Hey I'm your lover!
over 13 years
finally returned that karma ;)
over 13 years
I usually don't do this, but +k for being good mannered...You seem like a good player.
over 13 years
can you +k me now? i played more than 10 games
over 13 years
+k'd for that amazing double cc play :)
over 13 years
plussed back c;
deletedover 13 years
Plussed again to 83. Just because I know how much you love odd numbers.
over 13 years
Lol so i got nagged like 5 times for being townsided fool. lol
over 13 years
and now you're gone for a week+....sad, sad times