


5 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 10Scumhunter
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
over 12 years
Oh hey, I haven't seen you in ages
almost 13 years
Ayyyyeeee, bro. What's up?
almost 13 years
AYO +k'd to 28 cause I finally can on my alt.
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
*comes back here after months of not being here, sees comment on my wall from you* So, hey again lol, long time no see?
almost 13 years
Just realised I had never +K'd you for the awesome avatar.
almost 13 years
Where have you been my friend? >o>
almost 13 years
Unin hey![=
about 13 years
about 13 years
I like yours as well :)
about 13 years
You must be. I don't see anything funny about my avi, lol. btw sisko is around, he just keeps self deleting D:
about 13 years
Are you actually talking about the panda? :o
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
hey. hey. hey. hey. Where are you?
about 13 years
I don't know, I guess I just got bored, haha.
deletedabout 13 years
Thanks, although to be honest I think my day 1 and 2 play was abysmal. I appreciate it though.
about 13 years
lol chill i'm never playing comp.
about 13 years
Holy shit I was stuck in this one game for a looooooooong time. But uh yeah :/ I'm very scared of ranked haha, I'll play soon though. :S
about 13 years
Sooo I can't have this much karma cause my score sucks? ;( I get negged a bunch too, if that helps.
about 13 years