
South Carolina
part of  family


10,000 Points : 10/29/11

Hello Everyone :D and thank you for visiting my page, leave your name for a good karma :D

The way I play is not important, but what you do need to know about it is, I play slow, and my scumhunting is a bit strange, to fast thinkers they will say I'm mafia, which is why I don't react to my fos's that often, because I know they are town more than likely.

I'm only here for fun, if you ever run into me, be ready for a hi and to talk about something non-epicmafia. :P

I enjoy making setups, and suggesting roles. I'd love it if you would check mine out. The only role I really have right now is Runner, which I think is really good. My newest setup is Cop's Be Pro Yo. It's a great setup, but never fills, so I have yet to really test it. So please try it out for me I would really appreciate it <3

So that's basically it, But I do have one thing left to say. Many people neg me because quote "I'm not fast enough" or "I'm not good". And this is what I have to say: If you feel this way about me, then please comment and explain what I did wrong, and model to me how I may get better (you can message me as well). This is the only way I can stop being "bad". So please do this instead of negging and leaving. you if do this I will neg you, but I'll be straight up with you, if you help me out and explain what I did wrong, I will plus you. I'm looking forward to a strong community and this requires us helping each other out. Each game is just the game, sometimes we may be mafia and you may be town. But if you don't help to teach, then what are you gonna do when I'm on your team and make you lose because you didn't help me? I'm just saying Explain before you act.

Once again, if you read all of this and considered my setups/roles or stoped by to say hi. Please comment and I will +K you. You do not have to +K back, I'm just glad you took time out to stop by.

Thank you for being you <3 have a wonderful day :D

over 13 years
:) thanks for visiting my profile