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Yes, some of her bad plays helped me win, but they are bad plays regardless. We should not ignore her bad plays simply because we managed to win without her. Bad plays are bad plays, through and through. Imagine what would have happened if we had lynched the miller and she popped the gallis?
deletedalmost 14 years
XxXforeverXxX 2 seconds But goon, if angela didn't vote you you wouldn't know you are the miller...and we wouldn't have won the game that way...and gallis got popped the next day anyways so it didn't matter...i kinda feel bad for yelling at her now =/
For those who are interested, I am referring to the game: where Angela was leader and attempted to pop a gallis when everyone else was voting a mafia. I then proceeded to win the game since I then knew I was miller, but Angela would not listen to me and continued to play like a butthurt townie. She continued to try to fuck shit up, but I won the game for her, dragging her along kicking and screaming.