

If you neg me, please don't leave a message or cuss me out. My self esteem is too low to accept any form of criticism. Thanks.

over 13 years
hey now! dont be silly!
your very wanted!
(: <3
over 13 years
over 13 years
Returned, naturally.
almost 14 years
bro... you owe me a win now hahaha
deletedalmost 14 years
YES! :D Are you getting part 2 when it comes out next year? Luigi's Manson is one of my favorite all-time games.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd, return?
almost 14 years
good job you baaad copper <3 (:
almost 14 years
lol that was pretty douchey of me to say I was just in a pissed off mood :P
almost 14 years
+k for you.
almost 14 years
nice new pic +K
almost 14 years
i want to neg you for costing us that game.. -____-
but i wont :)
deletedalmost 14 years
You made the right choice and i appreciate that ! + K
almost 14 years
i know! and i love how we get like 76 points x) <3
almost 14 years
I'd +k you again if i could xD Great job mafia team <3
deletedalmost 14 years
+4k returned :P
almost 14 years
plussed thanks for being on me
almost 14 years
+k back
almost 14 years
thanks bro. plus ked for bein good vig
almost 14 years
I plussed :)
almost 14 years
+k returnbed