

Hey guys ^.^ Im BriannaBeeBee and. Im not that good. but. you know. I dont suck :D But if I veg, it is because my computer died. It has the crappiest battery ever. So, sorry if i do.


deletedalmost 13 years
Uhh no because suiciding would have unranked the game for everyone else. So town wouldn't have lost it would just go unranked.
deletedalmost 13 years
Yes it would have resulted in a loss for you, but it's better than putting a random vote up and ruining the game for everyone else. And even if you lynched right you woulda vegged at your night meeting.
deletedalmost 13 years
I get that, but what you did is still a rule violation. If you have to go just suicide. It's not against the rules if you suicide unless it is for game related reasons (like if you are gonna lose the game for example).
deletedalmost 13 years
If you have to go you should have not started a game if you knew you'd have to leave shortly. But in the event that you have to leave you should suicide and not put up a random vote then leave. That's why you got a violation.
deletedalmost 13 years
Enjoy your violation.
deletedover 13 years
lol ikr? what a dumb town
over 13 years
+K'd for being a cool dude.
deletedover 13 years
youre so stupid LOL
deletedover 13 years
thanks! returned ^^
deletedover 13 years
It's fine. Although my internet decided to drop for the past few minutes.
over 13 years
She helped us win the game! Without her we would have lost!

Maf/Fool joint FTW!
over 13 years
deletedalmost 14 years
negged for trying to lynch a clear. He was clear as he was uncceed saved, those people who cc'ed had retracted. You would know that if you were paying attention to the game
almost 14 years
Is there a way to "follow" friends, to see what they're doing/where they're playing? I can only seem to find games they've already played.
almost 14 years
Yeah Good one, Neg that idiot if you can :)
almost 14 years
also herp is mad maf lol
almost 14 years
Great play, what swag said. :D
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
you were neg'd for being an idiot