Awwwz. Sorry. The REASON I voted no is that I actually feel that EVERY acct/alt should have to go in training lobby for 20 games. It keeps players from making/deleting trolling accounts at the drop of a hat. HOWEVER, I also believe that EVERY account should have to play in training lobby 1 game before allowed to play in comp/ranked. Or maybe people RUNNING should have to play 1 training game/day.
You have been +k'ed by my karma gun up to 3 karma!
deletedover 13 years
those are lyrics from a guided by voices song, they are a meaningless absurdity. Anyway, thanks for your continued belligerence, I've cleared your offensive bio, please do try to create one that's more polite this time!
Your posts were a form of thread spamming/flooding. Don't try to bullshit me because I won't have it, I left the two posts that actually weren't total spam. Also, your bio is harassment, you should change it to "list of people I don't like" or something less insulting, please. That's an official request.