
and the great cold death of the earth

Rocking out to Haggard in the solar system. Per Aspera Ad Astra!

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use" -Galileo Galilei

Agalloch - The Mantle = Avatar. <hr> ----Survivor games - - - - 3 for 3 :)

Winner of Bblant's Survivor. <br> Winner of Soda17's Survivor - Fat Camp!!!<br> Winner of Lauren2013's Survivor!!!! <br><hr>

Games don't last forever....!

This place rocks, so join me and we will conquer the Earth.

Funniest Monk win EVER: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1798243

over 10 years
+k xoxo
almost 12 years
Happy Birthday!!!
almost 12 years
I will win this poke war!
about 12 years
thanks :D
about 12 years
about 12 years
about 12 years
PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!! http://www.epicmafia.com/topic/52064 I'D APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORTING ^^
about 12 years
Aw srry :(
about 12 years
I'm afraid I can't poke you anymore, because I'm married!! :(
about 12 years
Lol wow that was a crazy ass game then! Wth you should of whispered faster weszy! Shouldn't have popped me in the dome :(
about 12 years
i literally took like 20 seconds just deciding who to pass it to, went for ariel and off it went.
about 12 years
Sorry for killing you, I thought you guised me last game thats why. Then you were really the guiser during our last game lolol.
deletedabout 12 years
Hi ^.^
deletedabout 12 years
Damn.......... I tried again... Still killed you lol
about 12 years
+k you.
about 12 years
returned :)
about 12 years
ahhh, makes sense :D
about 12 years
Returned :3
about 12 years
I enjoy playing with you too! :)+
about 12 years
Right back at ya!