
hearts in baltimore/tennessee
part of  family

Born December 14th, 1987 in the harsh woodlands of Essex, England and raised by a kind family of badgers, young Andorin would never have expected that he, a bull-fighter's apprentice, was destined to grow into the greatest Matador / Wizard / MAF PLAYA that the world would ever know! His ventures brought him to the US-of-A on the back of a magically enchanted dragon, where he now seeks to spread his "love-sounds" to the farthest reaches of the universe, while simultaneously defeating the forces of evil in the sandbox. ;)

Alex enjoys making out, talking, drinking, dancing, singing, lynching blues,killing villagers, being granny, and bull-fighting... .. Welcome to my world of toys.

TYORK IS THE JELLY TO MY PNUT BUTTER, MAF PARTNER, AND PARTNER IN BED. Hands off. +k him to infinity for being the best. (Seriously.)


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
over 12 years
Hi alex, idk if ya remember me but I was going through my wall and you were the first person to+k me on this acc. Kinda wanted to drop by to say Hello! You rock <3 ilu :)
almost 13 years
It's fine, +kd you back
deletedalmost 13 years
i see you

& i just wanna dance with you
deletedalmost 13 years
Awe so sweet, i couldn't let the town down knowing that they were watching in graveyard because i know the feeling. Tbh the point where i decided to give it to town was when i saw that they needed the points way more than the maf did. :) &thanks i +k you too!
almost 13 years
you're a muthaflippin trip trip sailor of the ship ship (speechless)
almost 13 years
is that a threat? don't make me call up puppyprotectionservices and explain that i feel our households are unfit for the pups with you in them. YOU'RE DANGEROUS. in a wolf at the table kind of way. (love you to death. literally.)
almost 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
Hi, I still love you,
about 13 years
you're sexy when you're bad
about 13 years
i thought you called me gingerbread and i was like, oh that's cute, until i read what it really said.. -.- take off your sweater
about 13 years
+Kd u to 8..thnx:)
deletedabout 13 years
I can reply now I've hit 2k :')

Lady GaGa is the best. I love your face.
about 13 years
what would u dooo if i told you that i..
about 13 years
do u like me?
pls check 1 y n m
do u want 2 go out w/ me??? {}y {}n

are u incredibly good looking? y hy fy
do you love me? [√] always.
happy today. it's the 7th. in case you didn't know. i love you!
about 13 years
are u gay? y n
about 13 years
hey, why is your face so pretty?
about 13 years
over 13 years
+k for being the best deatheater mafbro partnerincrime 4 life
over 13 years
love you boogers
over 13 years
Tried to join, but was too late.