
Mafiatown, Victoria, Australia
in love with 
part of  family

An analysis into the commentary and examination of life and humanity explored by EpicMafia

Written by AlCappuccino

See, the problem isn't the Mafia, it's WHY our Town has Mafia, and what's shaped their behaviour. What are their motives? What are the Town's?

All the Town does is lead a subsistence, whereas the Mafia have motivations and goals. Wouldn't it be better to have a town comprised of proactive individuals, rather than reactive?

The Mafia have realised that all our town does is waste: waste resources, waste time, and waste our lives. They want to put an end to our wasting. They're doing bad things for good reasons.

In every round of EM the Town fights amongst themselves to determine the Mafia; they don't really know each other, whereas the Mafia do. The Mafia have a better sense of community and togetherness than the Town does.

EpicMafia is representative of modern society. The Town symbolises consumers, ordinary people going about their lives. Whereas the Mafia represents indifferent opportunists, corporatism, etc.

At this point you can draw your own interpretations as EM begins to make wider statements towards the meaning of life.

  • Are our lives pointless because we aren't really living how we want to live, instead living under the influence of corporations?

  • Are the true 'winners' of life the outsiders, such as the fool or survivor, who are always guaranteed points when the round (or life) is over? When they conform to neither ideal of living?

  • Is evil necessary to truly realise good? If it weren't for the Mafia, Town would not know or care each other nearly as much as they do with them.

  • What are true motivations? Even the Lover, a role which desires to survive with their love, is really after points at the end of the round. Do we live on acknowledgement and 'kudoses' of our actions which follow not our ideal of living, but society's?

  • Is our sense of identity compromised by modern society? We are all playing a game to win 'points' through avatars. Who are we really?

And finally, at the end of every game the Town celebrate 'killing/hammering' the Mafia - not surviving. Does this speak of our own motivations in life? To step over and succeed others, rather than work together and towards personal goals?


About the Author: AlCappuccino is overly verbose, and tends to rattle on at times about things. He is a nice handsome man with nothing better to do with his time between getting hearts and trying not to seem like mafia in games. He's sexually conflicted and is legally no longer allowed to be within 10 kilometres of a zoo.


2 / 10I'm Batman.
2 / 25Objection!
2 / 10Gotcha!
2 / 30Not On My Watch!
1 / 20Clint Eastwood

Created Setups

deletedabout 12 years
+k because you're a gentleman and a scholar
deletedabout 12 years
I will -K you soon.Very bad player.
about 12 years
Awe, you're too nice. Next time, if that ever happens again, I'll be more open to your reasoning and not tunnel on the same guy with shit reads. :P
about 12 years
actually i was legit going to hammer on you until you towntold right at the end.. buttler was already town.. so i hammered deez.. i was confused until the end
deletedabout 12 years
That was the most epic game I've seen, you deserved the kudo.
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
+k for epic yakking partner.
over 13 years
I know man I know haha but im back and im gonna be on from now on at the same time as before like after 8pm Pacific Standard time
over 13 years
quick question?? miss me ;)
about 14 years
I disagree. I mean if you agree that you scum hunt was unorthodox then you have no room to say anything about mine. I did consider the other guy I just had a feeling about you. Sometimes my intuition proves wrong as you can see. But anyhow I'm not going to -k you that would be petty. I'm over it now.. just pissed last night.
about 14 years
There <3 I hope 6 makes up for it! Take care. *huggles*
about 14 years
haha true, hot ruined it for town rofl
about 14 years
good game as maf +k
deletedabout 14 years
+k for having cool ppl like me you and others post on your comments
about 14 years
+K for epic whoring.