

<><><><><><><> ACHIEVEMENTS <><><><><><><>

11/07/09: Gold Trophy 02/23/10: 20k points 03/21/10: 56% win 03/27/10: Silver Trophy 03/27/10: 400 career wins 03/27/10: Trophy HoF 03/30/10: 700 career games 04/02/10: 57% win 04/13/10: Win% HoF (57.8%) 04/13/10: 25k points 04/21/10: 800 career games 05/15/10: 500 career wins 05/23/10: 900 career games 05/25/10: 30k points 08/04/10: 1k career games 08/26/10: 600 career wins 09/15/10: 35k points 12/01/10: 700 career wins 01/07/11: 40k points


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

Created Setups

deletedabout 14 years
i'll take that suggestion, i know the rules
deletedabout 14 years
At no point in the game referenced did I claim to be mafia.

Under no set of rules can it be cheating to say "I'm blue, I don't lie."

In fact, what I have been "warned" about was gamethrowing.

Considering my team won, I clearly didn't throw a game.
about 14 years
It's an obvious joke. I've seen many people do it. And its all the same group of people that I've been playing with. Unless if they truly believed that I had to go pick up someone different, every game, but somehow magically always am there at the start of the game.

I have never pretended to be ralphfsilva. How was I supposed to know that someone else that had a similar name to mine would be playing this game as well.
about 14 years
Why am I suspended. I'm not copying Ralphfsilva or whoever that is. My name is Ralph Silvia...

I copied his avi as a joke and when he got mad I changed it.
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
Add me on msn please. I threw you the friend request.
about 14 years
like alts of mine? Uh I have two one of which is totally inactive and another which I have played 4 games on which bond has not been in any. Do you need that one?
deletedabout 14 years
Ok, a more serious complaint this time jep. - This guys is faking me. At first I wondered whether he was a real person, but he's copy-pasted my avatar too. He trolls and uses abusive language in games (I've checked), which makes it even worse.
about 14 years
P.S. cry more skull.
about 14 years
the guise tests were legitimate, you'll see for yourself. i even almost caught simon guised as incarcerated, skull faked a guisetest on me claiming he was in a game with me earlier which he wasn't. he refused to answer half of the questions i asked him also. what incentive was there for me to "gamethrow" like this baby is claiming?? oh wait, none. he's just a fucking baby.
about 14 years there's that game I told you about, shephard threw game as town-- lynched town on purpose and lied about guise tests to get town lynched.
deletedabout 14 years
So it's against the rules to be obvious maf too?

There go about half the players.
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
but if u ban the cactus u have to ban the blood clot, which means that u are being selective in which u ban n do not ban for.
about 14 years
Temlot is spamming/throwing games, here's him spamming right now...
deletedabout 14 years
Will u ban the blood clot that caused my stroke?
deletedabout 14 years
what if u accidentally suicide, clicking the leave table and again the yes in a spasm because u had a stroke or a cactus tickled ur left palm?
about 14 years
What are you going off about, get some new tag-lines and stop using that cookie cutter. I do not care about your warning, I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm saying I don't care, have no reason to care, and that you should stop treating people as you have throughout the forums and what I see on profiles. You. Are. A. Prick.
about 14 years
Uh, no thanks. I'd rather not take advice from a prick.
about 14 years
Laf, you're funny